Siege and Siege-engines


    I've been digging abit around here,

    But i fail to see any mentions of how eventual sieges are gonna play out for the control of a town? is the attacking force gonna place a siege camp outside with a timer on it until the siege goes live? which the defenders can attack and destroy to end the siege as the timer ends? kinda similar to the Darkfall Online way of siegeing where the attacking force had to place siege stones in some perimeter of the claim they wanted to attack


    Who needs Seige Engines when you can Fly? >=)



    like when i talk about siege engines i talk about cannons, rams, siege towers etc. that you can either surpass walls with or break them down, to reach the city monument (or governour mansion) which you will have to destroy to win the siege.


    @Haiil I could'nt found any information either, but I know Fractured will have different kind of conquer features where sieges are one part. I presume this has not been opened much yet.

    I guess somekind of siegecamp system like you mentioned could be quite close what we will actually see. I hope we can see different size of sieges depending the lvl and size of the object. Meaning variations like 10v10 , 20v20 , 50v50..

    In addition, I hope we can see siege weapons as well. Maybe attackers can craft these with lead of carpenter(s). Same with defenders, they should also have chance to make some preparations like reinforce walls and build own siege weapons as well. And because taking advantage of environment is a thing in Fractured, maybe some oil can be spread over the battlefield and set up people to fire for example.


    @Tuoni Yeah preperations should definitely be a part of it, i dont know how customizeable towns are going to be, but that could also play out as a very funny aspect.

    In regards to siege camps, i would love to see the size of guild play a role, but how it is determined i dont know, that will also give something for the really competitive players to play around. lets say your guild is 25 and a guild of 100 siege you, the number of participants in the siege will then be maybe 40v40? so the smaller guild can either fight it out on their own or hire mercenaries or allies. thus allies should of course also be taken into consideration when the siege is dropped to determine the size of the siege. I would say that the number of participants should be in favor of the defender. so some calculation to determine the size of the fight or maybe it should even be determined by the city size if it is a larger city. as a hamlet would be a smaller fight.


    @Haiil I think that the level of the object determines how long there is time for preparations and how much there can be participants. There is five different levels:

      1. Hamlet
      1. Village
      1. Town
      1. City
      1. Metropolis

    I am not sure if guild sizes effects to battles, because free towns have people from different guilds. And even if it would be a guild town, there must be some kind of meters how much population is needed for next level. I just presume that 30 player guild can not own and run metropolis.. at least it would not make much sense. Maybe its guilds concern to have enough members to keep control of their town if situation like that comes ahead.. 🤔

    I really liked your mercenary idea and I think it would suit nicely for Fractured. I am pretty sure that we are going to see mercenary guilds in this game.


    Yeah Mercenary options would be really great, will also make it possible for PVE focused clans to get help to defend cities etc.


    @Haiil said in Siege and Siege-engines:

    Yeah Mercenary options would be really great, will also make it possible for PVE focused clans to get help to defend cities etc.

    Well yeah.. I can imagine how a merchant guild hires mercenaries to help with defense (for example).


    could even be guards for traveling vast amount of ressources through the world, endless opportunities, but i would love to see some sort of "contracts" that people could make for a certain payment. making it so that the mercenaries cant backstab the caravan they are hired to defend.


    Yes, there will be lots of ways to use different kind of contracts for defensing, escorting, transporting and fast traveling for example. There can be insurances as protection for contracts in cases something bad happens. Of course there can be backstabbing, but then you will be known of that kind of behaviour, so it comes with reputation cost on top of karma loss . Okay.. contracts would be own quite large topic so I guess I wont go any more further into it. 😉


    yeah but maybe contract could be made so that the mercenaries cant backstab, in someway. But i guess that can be abused it varies ways. but maybe the contract can be made so that if they actually prevail attackers then their pay will be higher than if they just run etc. because that hinders them from having outside friends gank the caravan and split the loot afterwards.


    @Haiil You are right. Contracts needs some protective and rewarding mechanics so the system won't be easily abused, or at least it would be hard and come with considerable penalties. I do not mind if there is that little possibility for betrayl, but I want that happen really rarely or otherwise the system becomes useless pretty fast.

    @Haiil said in Siege and Siege-engines:

    because that hinders them from having outside friends gank the caravan and split the loot afterwards.

    I have thought about that and who needs outside friends to split the loot if I can use guild members and their alts* to get everything.. 😎

    *Alts have own guild of course so people won't notice the connection. 😉


    @Haiil and @Tuoni If there are going to be contracts in game, an in game ledger would help when managing these contracts. Not to mention help in the management of traded resources. Also I don't think it would be to hard to implement a mechanic in the ledger that ensures payment to mercenary's only if they complete said contracted task.


    @Crowdac You are right, it is totally doable and some games have this kind of feature in use. This was requested by community in Albion too, but there was no contracts last time i visited there. Things might been change though.


    Yeah i would love to see contracts, and the ability to customize them somehow. contracts could also be used for town boards, where people could request x amounts of x hides for x price - then people could pick up the contract and would recieve payment for completion. this would also enable a sort of bounty system 😄





    @Jrock Cheers 🙂

    Looking at this thread, I wondered if it still suits this section? 😄 l

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