Weapon and Armor Effects
Will weapons and or armor have effects either visual or game related? Example if I find a sword that is imbued with fire it has a flaming effect on how it looks as I carry it and how it sets enemies on fire as I use it in combat, having devastating effect on ice based elementals and armor. I guess it would also be cool to know if you could craft weapons/armor like this or if they are world drop / quest line?
I guess it would also be cool to know if you could make weapons like this or if they are world drop / quest line?
I'm afraid it's a little too early for a question of this kind, since it goes into detail on the equipment system, and we haven't flashed out the whole system to THAT level yet
What I can tell you is that we need to stay focused on core mechanics, so things like visual effects of "magical weapons" will likely come after alpha.
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