fictional competitors)


    1. Albion. When I came to this forum, the developer believed that their competitor is Albion)) I immediately said that this is ridiculous, because Albion killed meta and the inability to develop character + 60% of dead locations and senselessness of the war for territory. In other words, by the start of the game of our game, Albion will already crawl a little breathing) I myself played Albio with ZBT played in such clans as NoLife, ManyGilg and more than convinced myself of the failure of the game with the constant simplifications of the "hard-core" moments of the game.

    2. Lost Ark. This project is 100% safe and doesn’t punish for death) in other words, PVE for this game is everything! She does not hook PvP fans and other players that are not looking for easy ways. And if you consider that in Russia they gave it to .... How would you say so ... In Russia, there are no normal localizers)

    3. Legends of Aria. It is difficult to say something about this project as I myself have not yet decided to buy because of the constant departures and server outages. But my friends who played said that yes they added almost all of the ultima, but forgot the most important thing, freedom of action ... limited pvp players by adding collometers of safe zones. Well, according to the classics there is no end game content, or rather it is, but it does not make sense. You can participate in war, raids, sweeps dungeons on any lvl and there is no need or urgency to pump to the maximum, in other words, wearing expensive damage will not increase 10 times you just lose more at death as in an albion straight)) (I repeat I did not play and make a conclusion only on the stories of others)

    4. Project TL. There is very little information here, but if you consider that the developer has closed an almost ready project to create something that everyone will like ... There will be a day there will be food, but nothing is known yet)

    What do you think, is or will Fractured compete? at the time of the release of our game, the output of larger projects is not planned, but now existing ones are scarce or am I wrong?)

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  • Wiki Editor

    @ZagZag said in fictional competitors):

    the developer believed that their competitor is Albion

    Hmm, i wonder a bit, how you can say such, because i don't remember about anything that pointing to a "believing" of Developers to competitive with Albion:[]=Prometheus&sortBy=relevance&sortDirection=desc&showAs=posts

    But lets come back to fictional competitor guesses.
    I could not tell a single game that could be a direct competitor, because Fractured, or better Dynamight took all the nice things out of many games to combine it new.
    Either you say, they want to be a revolution in ARPG/Sandbox things and compete with all or with none of them.

    But in fact Albion is a good example, since the game had similar thoughts about how the game should be, but i heared, they screwed it up in many ways.
    I would say, lets compete with a fictional game thats made out of Diablo/Path of Exile and Ultima Online combined.
    If you can call such a game, then it would be our first fictional competitor


    @Kralith Ultima Online = Legend Aria ) Diablo / PoE - Lost Ark or Project TL will be much more dynamic than Fractured, so they are more suitable?)) If you take all the best from different genres, then the good will not work. Fractured is not a mixture of something, but an independent game, but a lot of what we see already, but in isometric racial conflicts I have not yet seen)) and about competition with albion - When designing the Fractured one of the design pillars, it was to make the game accessible to solo players. Albion Online is one of Fractured’s largest competitors, but it’s not very interesting for solo players. This is why the developers wanted to make Fractured fun for solo players as well as small groups. development 5))

  • Wiki Editor

    @ZagZag I think you got me wrong.

    I don't said, they take the best from all genres and just mix it up randomly.
    If they would do that, i would not support the vision 😉

    But in general, they are maybe not that far away from PoE, if you would make PoE as an open World MMO, you could maybe find much parallels.

    However, Fractured will not create the wheel new, they just try to do that, what they missed at previously sandbox action games.
    If they do it well, especially the part with combining competitive and cooperative and solo and group play, then they will maybe compete with all the games in the said genre.

    We will see, where Fractured find its place till 2021.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    If they keep their promises i think it will compete. Albion fucked up by changing the whole game during testing when in paper it should be a game with always risk to be ganked to a game basicaly you can PVE very safely and even 100% safe with HCE since they removed an hidden mechanic that some players used it with creativity to give risk even in safe zone.

    For what they are promising i think they have no direct competitor, horizontal progression + progression based like conditions rather than the classic grind experience / spells with environement interaction. I think this is unique enough to claim to have no direct competition.

  • Wiki Editor

    @OwlsaneGaming said in fictional competitors):

    If they keep their promises i think it will compete. Albion fucked up by changing the whole game during testing when in paper it should be a game with always risk to be ganked to a game basicaly you can PVE very safely and even 100% safe with HCE since they removed an hidden mechanic that some players used it with creativity to give risk even in safe zone.

    For what they are promising i think they have no direct competitor, horizontal progression + progression based like conditions rather than the classic grind experience / spells with environement interaction. I think this is unique enough to claim to have no direct competition.

    Was thinking this as well as far as no direct competitor, but I think it's much like PoE so might compete in the sense of drawing players away from PoE. I played PoE since open beta (stopped after Abyss) and when I saw Fractured, I was like "that's what PoE should have evolved into".


    @kellewic PoE will never be MMO !!! as a player you must understand this. PoE is a league! this is HC! is it desynchronization and barter!) + make yourself a flicker in mmo? or a witch VAAL Blade Vortex ??? happened ? PoE is not mmo and do not even compare ever.


    @kellewic Diablo and PoE - PvE games, they can not be compared with Fractured and Albion. If you want to play now in PvE without hardcore, then go to Lost Ark, as in Fractured you will be able at any time to press an ally and take all your loot, unlike these games.
    You really think this is going to happen in Fractured?

    (Just watch the first minute)


    this topic, or similar, comes up a lot. search bar is pretty handy.

    but i like the separate pvp/pve.


    Any good MMO will be your competitor.

    Majority of people aren't looking at this like "oh this is isometric and this is why i'm sticking with this one". Most people just search what is fun to play and looks good, and they will flock to that MMO.

    So, yeah, any good MMO is competition. 😉

  • Wiki Editor

    @ZagZag said in fictional competitors):

    @kellewic PoE will never be MMO !!! as a player you must understand this. PoE is a league! this is HC! is it desynchronization and barter!) + make yourself a flicker in mmo? or a witch VAAL Blade Vortex ??? happened ? PoE is not mmo and do not even compare ever.

    I don't think kellewic was demanding that PoE is turning into an MMO.
    It is more the thought about "What if you take PoE and create it as an open world MMO?"
    It is more, the setting and mechanics that PoE uses to create into an own MMO world.
    Thats one of the reasons, people like Fractured, because it could be that, what these player wish it would be.
    That not means, they want to change PoE, they want to find a game thats same as they dreamed about.
    Fractured could be this one.

    @muker said in fictional competitors):


    (Just watch the first minute)

    I know what you mean.
    Thats definetivly nothing that i would like.
    But i think every of us take parts out of other games and find some parallels with Fractured, and see the whole concept and say to itself "Yes, that could it be."
    Otherwise we would not be here, but playing our PoE, Albion, whatever 😉

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @muker Thing is Lost Ark is only for Korea at the moment and no news about EU/NA servers.

    You have to do some very annoying stuff to actually play the game.

  • Wiki Editor

    @ZagZag I never said PoE would ever be an MMO and that's kind of my point. Fractured, in my opinion, is somewhat similar and could draw people sick of PoE away.

    @muker Like I said, "compete in the sense of drawing players away" - wasn't making a direct comparison. My opinion, is PoE should have evolved into something more than just slapping 7 more "levels" to the game before maps.


    Legends of Aria was a great concept, but they developed it badly and released it too soon, Fractured seems like it will outshine LoA.

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