My greatest hope is that this game will allow players to advance decently at a casual pace. As a student, like many others with jobs and such, I will not have tons of time to pour into grinds. I want to be able to explore and grow in this game and not fall unbelievably behind those who can afford the extra time.

Best posts made by Zidroc
RE: curious on thoughts for game
RE: A Giant Betlee
@Gothix Then my calling in life is to take up his arms and avenge him.
RE: Poll to assess the percent of players per race
@Xanowrath @EvolGrinZ I've seen a few demons that want to go Angel. I wonder how difficult this will be? I really hope it's the hardest thing in the game, so that way when people see an Angel its just "wow holy crap look at that"
RE: A Giant Betlee
My dad tells a story about a time he lured a pker into his house, where he then put a box on the ground by the door blocking the guy in. He then revealed his tamed dragon hidden under a invisibility spell and killed the dude. The pker tried to escape but couldn't, and had no idea why bc apparently the boxes couldn't be seen.
RE: Firendly fire?
Pft, you'll need more than FF turned off to repel a demon attack
RE: Pop you drink while gaming or watching something
I drink a nice Dr. Pepper SODA
RE: Is it worth buying alpha?
@Triggy That's up to you. Purchasing the alpha would allow you the unique experience of getting in the game before anyone else. However, I stress that this is alpha, and as good of a job as the developers are doing the purpose of allowing players in is to find problems with the game. There will be bugs, crashes, and a plethora of other issues needing to be ironed out. Chances are you will not run into this, but if you are coming from another game that frustrated you with tech issues then it would be wise to consider that before jumping into an alpha stage game. I for one will be getting in on the beta, but if you want to dive into the world of Fractured and be the first to explore I can only exhibit jealousy. Good Luck!
RE: Lore or snore...
@WoLeFiE Heck yeah, books would be awesome! At least that way it's engaging, and maybe throw in some rare finds somehow. Judging by Fractured's intro video, I'm thinking it might be just a one time discovery your character makes, like walking into a new zone in WoW fills in your map type deal. Praying thats not just speculation.
RE: Week 44/45/46 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Congrats everyone! Can't believe I got in here!
@EvolGrinZ can't believe you got in TWICE
RE: Can’t wait for the fractured store
Hope it doesn't turn into a Star Citizen time dump for them
RE: Lore or snore...
@WoLeFiE I like little snippets that allow you to piece together these epic tales of lore. Shallow is just taking what's written at face value.
RE: What MMO are you coming from??
Put it plenty of time in Old School Runescape and WoW, dabbled with SWTOR. I'm here to start in a MMO on day one though
RE: Graphicd
1800 megamillion pixels per cubic millimeter quantum graphics don't really add much to games for me. I enjoy unique art styles that match the game. I like Fractured's graphic style so far, and hope it matches the gameplay well.
RE: Let's pray for sick Blizzard :(
@Gothix you'll find me and a few buds on there this summer. You alliance or horde?
RE: To Pick a Hero Profile Pic
I bet they'll add more website customization further down the road. They've probably got a full plate right now lol
RE: Heroes of the Storm has apparently entered a death spiral
Dang it, I spent countless hours and still play plenty of this game. Makes me sad the changes not going well with the masses.
RE: What can we learn from other similar pojects?
Don't waste time on hype features/crowd pleasers like Star Citizen. Just get the game that is currently announced released on track. We'll all be happier for it.