congrats to the winner marvelous story
great work all that applied and to the winner get the spoils

Best posts made by wiley17402
Latest posts made by wiley17402
RE: Tales from Elysium Winner!
RE: Leya
welcome from the city Coal Harbour on Aehren
and the DM GUILD
3x beta key and 1 x silver founder pack giveaway at 15 viewers :) come join shawn on twich
SHAWN IS GIVING AWAY GAMES KEYS 3 beta and a silver founder pack if you dont already have a game copy
at 15 viewersGiveaways today, 3 beta keys and a silver founder pack! !empire for Jerky discount
RE: Tin ore deposit near keepers vale showing up as stone deposit
that is the same for all the tin has silver specs on the rock , this is a game feature i think , not a bug
items sold : 2 part bug
sold items in coal harbour while offline said i sold in tasty chaos not coal harbour , and money not recieved .... while either offline or on myr continent , if sold in aehren ! -
RE: Recipe for non-existing item (acidstaff)
@Antoniius not in game yet , to craft i mean
continent to cartinent cart moving , does not work after recipie patch
carts dont go continent to continent from myr to aehren < < they did before recipie patch
on brown screen of death when sailing , with cart the cart is left at the last town -
keyboard keybind bug : number pad enter does not work ,
here is my keybinds , enter works in chat in game , on main keyboard but the enter key on numberpad with NUMlock on or off , does not work , spoleta said same to me ....... and i am just reporting the bug -
RE: How do I make Short and long bows.
a patch fix is coming today you need the short bow / long bow recipie drops off mobs fixed today
height bug
alter of tyros height glitch terrian not showing for feetenya but rest of group sees alter and cant walk underneath