Posts made by Vicious
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
@sparky Pretty much he deleted the only useful thing he ever did in the guild, do the site lol.
RE: Visibility is the key
mmo are build in the concept of grind, everything you do > improve you
but grind is a derogatory term when you forced to do the same dull thing over and over for a gain and you not having fun doing it.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
Star Citizen lol they promised soo much is now what 6 years afteR? we still waiting
Visibility is the key
get your guildmates to register and vote, write in reddit, talk about fractured in other sandbox communities, like albion, eve , runescape etc.
The biggest lack of fractured is its relatively low visibility at the moment, it just need some spotlight, the current situation of the mmon sanbox genre is dire, is a damn desert so if the people will now about this game they will get interested.
So the biggest contribution we can do is share, talk about, spread the seeds. Share is Care should be our slogan as community.
ps: for streamers, owners of youtube chans re-stream,upload, host our devs streams/videos.
RE: Opinioni su fracture
la cosa dei pacchetti è stata discussa e anche i dev sono d'accordo che è stato un errore non rendere l'accesso + basso diciamo.
Speriamo possano trovare una formula per correggere perchè molti bidderebbero volentieri 25-50 se la alpha fosse garantita in quel range di pledge li.
Per quanto riguarda gioco difficile giudicare il materiale è poco. le premesse ci sono bisognerà vedere l'esecuzione ma in questa desolazione nel mondo dei mmo sandbox francamente è uno spiraglio di luce su cui io e molti altri volentieri puntiamo anche perchè non vi è nulla all orizzonte quindi anche se non facessero un super giocone ma un prodotto discreto/buono avrebbero il deserto davanti e potrebbero fare manbassa di utenti.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
We are available for childrens party also
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
@logain Again you now nothing of what you talk about you now who is Jeromie Walsh? he worked on dungeons and dragons and star was battlefront not properly a green guy working for an indie. but again TRIPLE A products.
And the other guy behind chronicles of elyria is Eddie Smith wich worked on HALO, HALO 2 AND for CRYTEK.
Again bad example. they made a project with a lot of finance behind a lot of credibility and 3xA titles at their back. IS a very different story then sell an indie sh , even if your project is incredibly good or original you simply dont have the credibility .
Also their entire team is composed by ex employee of microsoft gaming, bungie, Sony entertainment , Monolith etc etc,
How many times i need you to proof how wrong you are? You dont even know who is behind elyria otherwisw you would now this stuff and even with such group and background Chronicles of Elyria is struggling, i have seen their stuff and follow the scene, is nothing really original, nothing breakthrue, blatant pw2 to an exploit point where people can spend thousands of euro for have things that you cant archieve otherwise in game (you litterally buy territory and kingship lol ) in eve no one made you leader with $ you needed to build your alliance gain respect etc, Elyria is just another mmo the market not want , not need , doomed to fail : is going to release get maybe even a million sell and then drop pop by 80-90% in first 6 months, becouse is not really new.
RE: What if you had to choose one announced feature to drop?
ppl confuse ganking with pvp LOL
usually who complain about full loot is noobs who got owned in eve online by suicide gankers or gank squads.
pvp is a thing, gank is another.
If i am around with 20 of my guys and i meet 1 guy, i kill him? yes i do who care, but i actively seek for go 20 vs 1? nope, any pvper wanna pvp, wanna win outnumbered for proof they better then others. So dont confuse cheap ganking with pvp.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
@markki not before they donate their loot.
Are you gonna donate or leave?
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
@logain all names you made are huge triple AAA sh supported by very famous designers, for sure RICHARD GARRIOT can afford to put a key for a game made by him at 500 euro, but is fucking richard garriot, he is in the mmo scene since 1997 and have a lot of reputation to sell, jeez sometimes talk to people like you make me m4d for the non sense you able to spit out.
They cant afford to make a kick campaign based on reputation becouse this require years to be build, campaigns like shroud of the avatar or star citizen are based on superfamous names wich are "supposedly" a guarantee of quality. A new indie sh cant play by this rules thats the main mistake of fractured ks. I mean even elite dangerous got access from 50 to 100 $ top . and the guy who put the face was David fucking Braben.
If tomorrow John Carmack wake up and decide he wanna do a ks campaign for doom 2099 he will get a million dollar by dinner time. A new sh cant play by this kind of strenght /marketing strategy becouse it simply dont have it.
If you dont understand the basics dont put such badly think thrue reply. they not gonna help anybody it just show that you not understand anything about this.
RE: July 3rd Survival & Travel Q&A: List Your Questions
What political tools you will provide us for make alliances, enemies etc even for guilds under same race, as well administration tools like different access rights/logs/taxation
How you gonna balance the risk/reward between pve and pvp zones, i have seen many sandbox try this since ultima online time (trammel, felucca) and most recently albion with yellow-red-black zones and they all failed becouse people have tendency to go for the safest zone
What will be your policy regards, scam, betrays, disband etc, eve online even made a teaser about a guy infiltrating an alliance and then robbing them. Albion was very happy to spotlight this kind of stories, what will happen if a guild for example lose a city cause "metagaming" ?
RE: What if you had to choose one announced feature to drop?
i would eliminate the different words, i already have seen what a separated world pve pvp do to a sandbox back in 1998 with trammel-felucca in uo and was a disaster, expecial if the pve world have 0 risk but almost same rewards as pvp, is the same thing albion failed to balance, the full pvp zones where not that more remunerative compared to the safest zones, dividing totally the players.
Is the constant struggle of the devs to try accomodate everyone and then not make anyone happy