I have a foundation level of 361 with a number of old bronze and silver chest awards still attached to my now transferred profile that I would like to fully understand the current value of please? especially given I have multiples of each chest type shown on my forum account and these type of rewards are no longer current (although theoretically aligned with the new pack types i.e. adept etc.) ? Although historically active on the forum and having played occasional open test games, it has always been my intension to wait until beta before purchasing the game so they have not actually been claimed yet and I can only find references to previously purchased packs. Can anyone tell me how these foundation awards are actually accessed and become in game available items if I actually purchase the game during beta as previously intended. Thx

Posts made by Thwunk
Foundation Quest Rewards
RE: Alpha Weekend starts today!
Just got access to the alpha weekend and it opened with the setting option of use "my monitor" ticked ....so it was actually on wide screen (my monitor is 3440 x 1440p) and epic settings, that gave me 88 FPS and no warping, however, not sure what res it actually was because there are no widescreen options shown in the advanced settings even though this clearly worked. The screen was not cropped to fit a window and when I clicked advanced and changed it to the highest setting shown of 2560 x 1440p all it did was crop in the sides and increase the FPS to 141. I did have a hell of job getting it back to widescreen though when I tried to click straight back to the "my monitor" mode, but eventually found that I first had to actually apply one of the advanced settings shown as a window mode and them swap back to "my monitor" option to get widescreen back? Interested to find out what widescreen is supported and would be good to have them actually shown in the advanced option section. As for game play I had pretty good FPS through out as stated above, with a 240s ping, but I did get repeated lag/stutter on motion and combat at regular intervals as well as disconnected back to the server screen a few times during approx. 1 hour of today, which would be too much outside of testing.
RE: 3440 x 1440p widescreen gameplay
@Meltdown . Just got access to the alpha weekend and it opened with an option setting ticked to use my monitors setting, so it did auto open on wide screen which looked pretty good on epic settings that gave 88 FPS and did not warp, but not sure what res it was as there are no widescreen setting options shown in the advanced option even though it clearly works without warping and was not cropped to fit because when I clicked advanced and changed to the highest setting shown of 2560 1440p screen it only cropped at the the sides in and went to FPS of 141. Mind you had a hell of a job getting it back to widescreen using the my monitor setting but eventually found that all I needed to do was apply advanced setting to windows first before them setting to "my monitor" option and apply again and yay came back to widescreen of unknow but looked similar res. So in short widescreen of some res is supported and will be very interested to find out what. I will post on Alpha feedback forum and see what I get. in reply.. cheers
RE: 3440 x 1440p widescreen gameplay
@Meltdown , yes, unfortunately that seems to align with what I found on the forum about widescreen and 1440p support back in 2020. Will also be a showstopper for me if that is as far as it goes, as I think wide screen graphics look awesome and give far greater emersion in the other games I play like Destiny2 and Ark. Fingers crossed it's on the list of things to be done before beta, but won't hold my breath. Cheers.
3440 x 1440p widescreen gameplay
Hi All,
Does anyone know if there has been any progress on the game support of 3440 x 1440p? The only message I found searching the forums was from back in Nov 2020 that stated "NOT AN OPTION" at that time.
I have recently upgraded to enjoy widescreen at 1440p and was hoping to enjoy the upcoming Alpha trial access next week without letterboxing or distortion from an unsupported res if possible.
I would also welcome any feedback from anyone currently playing the alpha at widesreen of any res on this thread.
Cheers -
RE: Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!
@KirwinHansel The same penalty also happens on Ark , but that is not to say I like it in that game. There is too much grind that it stops me from enjoying the experience so I stop playing for longer periods each time. Death needs to strike the correct balance between the consequence for failure (in this case grind) against peoples own drive to succeed and because that is a very personal thing I expect it will never please every one. There is the difference between death and unconsciousness to consider in this game, so you get more bites of the cherry (although during alpha tests I have been trapped in a loop where death is just a drawn out inevitability because of repeat PVE attacks before mobility, but hope that is just one of the pitfalls of alpha). I personally would like to see a compromise where even in death you respawn naked but still close enough to actually see your last dead body and have at least some potential to recover items before being set upon again, but I am not that skilled a player and can understand there has to be some consequence for failure i.e. there is little value in success without a healthy fear of the consequences of failure. Guess we'll have to wait and see what the wider audience thinks.
RE: bug can't build anything in my house
@PeachMcD Agreed, this is a primary function that would be very soul destroying to only discover at the end of a hard days toil in the field, free Alpha or not, time spent is still a valuable commodity to new users.
RE: Spawn problem
@MonkP had a similar issue that was further exacerbated by a noticeable delay between keyboard activation to game response ( even though ping and frames were reasonable) that meant the monsters had time to regrouped, return and re- paralyzed the character before it even regained consciousness on my client and you can't do squat, not even bandage !. Servers might have held up, but game dynamics was painfully slow during test for me.
resonable frames but still getting delays in response.
Living in NZ I am fairly used to reasonably high ping 120-250 on most US and EU based servers and frames typically 45-80: these usually have little or no real impact on games played at an intermediate skill levels I typically reach. During the stress test however, although I still had a similar moderate ping and frame, I experienced a significant increase in delay of the control dynamics that was totally unexpected. This caused a serious problem when mobs returned to an unconscious character and began paralyzing it again before I could ever recover and apply a bandage or move such that it became a repeat cycle of unconscious bouts until the character finally became so low it died. I am not sure if it was the balance of this specific cycle or the delay in effective response, but it was typical of the slow response during the rest of the game. I appreciate this is alpha, but wondered if it was just me or did other suffer such issues.
RE: Experiencing an issue with attempted login during the weekend event.
I just get message a saying the maximum number of concurrent users has been reached and they will be slowly raising thresholds to see when it starts to crash. Hope they start to raise it a bit quicker soon
RE: Open Alpha 2 Weekend & Test Extension
@Prometheus Thanks for the opportunity to try the game before Beta. The client download was very easy and went without a hitch well in advance of the open weekend start time. I might not quite make the 4pm CET opening start as that's 4am in NZ but will definitely be there. Cheers
RE: Anti-Hack/Cheat/Bot
@Jetah asking for credit card info or govt id for a one off purchase or verification of transaction is one thing, but storing the info regardless of encryption is something far more invasive, that I would not support.
RE: Bees?
@Gothix Although I personally would not wish to see such items, I would not be too upset if selective items were ever introduced for a specific event, provided they were in keeping with the perceived historic period i.e. allowing people to place lanterns in a window at Halloween , but would not wish to see anything that jarred the senses: In truth, I think this is a mute point as the devs have far bigger fish to fry.
RE: Fractured Streamers List
@Znirf great, has anyone found any live in Au/NZ peak time as all have been off line when I tried to watch?
RE: Summoner
@Yitra Ok, I accept the critique and probably not a good fit for a summoner.....how about a possessor so you actually play the part of the possessed npc .
RE: Summoner
@Xzoviac spell skins ….now I really like that idea...hadn't even thought of that one.....….well done.
RE: Pass for friends - the idea for the release
No, the concept of what I was suggesting was not media savvy mass streamers with 20+ audiences, who can't vet their audience as they will exist anyway. It was more akin to a non tech savvy individual who just wants to share an experience with an in game newby friend, or a guild master with a new member to mentor. When I play games like MWO (which I admit are not RPG) I enjoy the ability you have to spectate other members of your faction while they continue to play on in a match, after you have personally been killed off. You have a vested interest in them and them in you, so it is a more personal experience than external mass streamer channels. Probably not practical, but just a thought.
RE: Pass for friends - the idea for the release
@Gothix I accept that it would increase the load on a server, but as for knowledge being too valuable to share: If the system was introduced whereby users were given the ability to accept or reject " a named viewer" in the same way as accept or reject in-game "friend invites , or join party invites in most other mmo's, it should prevent mass abuse and still allow controlled access to friends, so it would be up each individual user as to what amount and with whom, they wished to share info.