@benseine I am sorry that I wrote Agility, not Dexterity. XD
I'm not sure if any pair of 18s can result in a solid jack - a pair of 18s means a pair of 13s and 12s, too, and I don't particularly know if anyone really want to depend on a 12 as a central stat to a build. The 14 that becomes (with the +2 stat boost off the skill tree), might make it viable, but it's semi-worrisome. And if a character can't use a skill set effectively, I'm not sure they count as a jack.
I'd like to discuss the defensive relation of CON/STR vs. CON/DEX. I find that I can't, having not enough information XD most frustrating, that! XD for example, I don't know if 14 CON/14 STR (cum 16 CON/16 STR) allows a character to wear (close-to) the heaviest armor; I assume it does get you a majority of it, for various reasons, but I can't be certain. Similarly, I can't debate the value of gaining x defense bonus from wearing y armor, versus defense of (y-a) version of it you can wear at -2 strength, when compared to the +z% dodge you gain from putting those 2 points into DEX, instead. Way too many variables to cogently speak to. Maddening, I say! I am most miffed that an intelligent discussion is thus derailed! DEVS! Give us the deets! Thank You! XD
(I'm also not sure why anyone would need to carry an extra set of armor? If a character can't wear it at their minimum stats, they don't want to wear it in the fight, because at some point a player will mis-time their cast of the CON buff, or get counter de-buffed, or lose their buff due to enemy wiping, and if that means the armor pops off (or you get paralyzed, or whatever the penalty ends up being), it's no good XD better to wear what can always be worn, and get the benefit the buff gives on top of that, as opposed to worrying about losing the buff and the armor at the same time at a potentially critical point. Conversely, if the only time the check is made is when you go to put it on, then there is no trouble, cause it's equipped somewhere safe, immediately after buffing, and it's all good. On the third hand, if the armor requirements ignore buffing/de-buffing (because the devs don't want to code armor popping off XD ), then the jack is stuck with the armor of minimum statistics anyways, and there's no better armor to lug)