Really looking forward to testing the manufacturing and the city upkeep! This might make me want to test the governorship! I wasn't able to this last test

Posts made by th3mistocles
RE: Roadmap To Alpha 2 - Test 4
Wolf in town of Atrium not registering in it's current location
I attempted to attack the NPC and can't damage it. Also shooting it with a fireball makes me shoot the fireball in a different direction from the animal. Totem attacks it in the same direction the fireball was shot to.
RE: Character view bug holding staff
Seems to happen with other weapons as well. screenshot holding primitive dagger missing after mining rock. Tabbing again resets view.
RE: Character view bug holding staff
Seems to happen doing any action, pulling plant fibers from local plants, gathering branches etc. Not sure about using different weapons yet. Will try that next.
RE: Character view bug holding staff
Correction. Occurred after I started mining rock nearby and stopped the action before mining the rock was complete. Happens as well when I have the staff showing and complete the mining action.
Character view bug holding staff
Seemed to be a random occurrence. Do not recall when it started happening. Tabbing through my weapon options and back to the staff resulted in my character showing the staff again. Will attempt to reproduce.
RE: Focus ability exclusions and wording (feedback/wording UI bug)
I had honestly not paid too close attention to those stats yet so that's a good call. I remembered they now have a max of 80% but thought the 72% might be because of my character's strength being below 10...
When it comes to the stats like that I typically give difference to the devs and in the case of Alpha here I expect changes are made from patch to patch that might change little things they don't have the time to inform us about in detail.
RE: Handcart and building permissions question
The reason I ask this is because yesterday in the city of Atrium I was more or less bored and went around adding to people's unfinished items, houses etc. One person had a house just started and had a blueprint for a cart nearby placed but did not have any resources in it. I built the cart but was surprised I was able to interact with it. I expected I would get the "you to not have permission" message but seemed like I was able to access the cart even though it wasn't my blueprint...
Has anyone else tested this?
Handcart and building permissions question
If someone places a blueprint for a handcart but you put the resources in and build it, does the original owner of the blueprint still retain ownership of the handcart? do you share ownership at that point?
Focus ability exclusions and wording (feedback/wording UI bug)
When you run the focus ability Protection from Poison and try to turn on Protection from Fire also, it turns off the Protection from Poison focus ability and visa versa.
I might recommend running a message above your character that states when you activate 1 or the other that your other protection is removed or some message that indicates that you can't have both running at the same time.Otherwise a message in the text description of each ability that you can't have both running simultaneously.
Might also recommend a revamp of the text of each ability now that the immunity has been reduced to, in may case 72% I know the 1000 protection was revamped as part of test 3 to prevent immunity so it's more of a wording for future testers. (I figure this is a low priority on the change list)
[FRAC-2093] UI bug with 3 focus abilities running
I have the option for 3 focus abilities through the talent tree and have 3 focus abilities running. When I select a 4th, it defaults to the "you have 2 focus abilities running" error message.
RE: [FRAC-2092] UI inventory item stacking bug when using tanning tubs
Same goes for when you place items in the tub from a stack.
[FRAC-2092] UI inventory item stacking bug when using tanning tubs
Have yet to try this elsewhere but when you take a piece of cured leather out of the tub and put it in a stack in your inventory, for a brief second the item in the tanning tub shows the number of the stack in your inventory and the inventory shows only 1 item in the stack where you are placing your item.
Effectively it looks like you're swapping the item with your stack in the tub before they merge.
RE: [FRAC-2091] Removing weapon from character screen keeps showing weapon on character view
@Ostaff I guess that depends on the horse!
RE: Patch Log - v.a.2.3.0d
Well nuts! I liked that attribute hack
Nice updates going through! Looks like some good progress towards the next phase! -
Fun with relocate
I figured I'd test out the limits of the map and relocate. Some small results below.
RE: What is the point of having your own plot of land?
I don't know about anyone else, but I have a use for my house. Can't enchant easier then this I'd think.
RE: Not enough slots
Just adding my 1.5 cents here but I do agree with the limited slots option we currently have. I think it makes it more interesting to have to strategically spec out your presets for specific purposes. I have a PvE, PvP crowd control, and a PvP ganking preset, as well as my "RUN" preset that specs the quickest method I know to get from point A to B in this world at the moment, I.E. Frenzy, teleport, shadow step and other skills to get me where I need to go and avoid most of the mobs that would otherwise slow me down.
Not that I've actually used my PvP presets yet, but once I kill like 10 more Ghouls and 1 more Warg, I will either do some more PvP or try my hand at governorship. As I won't have anything more to learn in the game.
Amazing Pumpkins?
Animal meat restores 50% of satiety when grilled and eaten. It's a 1 to 1 craft. Pumpkins on the other hand also when grilled restore 50% of satiety and they are a 1 to 4 craft.
Not sure if this is by design or an oversight but no other craft I saw there for food was more than 1 to 1. Not that I'll complain as Pumpkins in real life are pretty big and if wolves weren't so easy to come by I'd do more pumpkin gathering as they are the most efficient food source in the game thus far.