This topic regards a low priority change. For the purpose of testing, the raids in their current shape are perfectly fine.
For release though I fear that they will not offer as many pvp activites as we currently hope, so I'm opening this discussion to analyze this aspect.
My point is, the raids are very fun activities and are going to represent one of the main attractions for pvp players on Syndesia (and who knows, maybe even other planets). They are also cheap and easy to declare. Winning a raid is a nice bonus for an attacker, while not being very crippling for a defender. In short, these will happen all over the place on a daily basis. And this is excellent.
My fear though is that once the power balance on the continents has set, "weak" guilds will not bother to fight the "strong" guilds, since the outcome is a given. You are only damaging your equip, so just hand the attacker his resources and keep playing. This will void many potential fun fights.
To avoid this, I believe that there should always be a purpose in defending, even if you know that your side is not going to win.
To pursue this, I think that we can burrow the same concept from the Conquest fights, so that most of the development can be reused. In Conquests, the defenders have multiple objectives to defend (3 lesser flags and one main flag), and the city loses loyalty based on how many objectives were taken down during the fight. Raids could use the same idea.
The resources gained by the attacker could be based on how many flags were taken down during the raid. So there is a difference between not defending, losing all flags and getting a crushing defeat which gives full loot to the attacker, or figthing back and obtaining a minor defeat were you protect some of your resources. This could take also attacker flags and lesser flags in consideration, with the final loot being based on the difference between flags taken down by defenders and flags taken down by attackers.
This provides a reason to always defend. No one likes games where one side ends up conceding, so even when a win cannot be achieved the defenders should have a reason to stay in the fight.