@vicious said in eXploited (#1 demon guild ):
Talking about weeklings..
How many time I do have to say it!??! I was clearing up my discord servers. ffs
Next time, I'll clear out my discord servers when I'm not in an a stupid argument. lol
@vicious said in eXploited (#1 demon guild ):
Talking about weeklings..
How many time I do have to say it!??! I was clearing up my discord servers. ffs
Next time, I'll clear out my discord servers when I'm not in an a stupid argument. lol
@daz said in Massive battles: will "big numbers" always win?:
The bigger the better, demons vs everyone
Go the devils
Uh.. I would rather say ''Demons vs Demons vs Everyone.'' If no other demon is in my guild, then you are considered a target.
It's FFA PvP in demon's planet, so I'm not going to treat anyone on that planet friendly except for my guild.
Big numbers won't always win, smaller numbers can also win too if they have enough skill, tactics, and a clear mind they can do anything.
The guild I was in Exploited, and the same one I'm in this game 5 man and killed an entire Zerg guild. They had a clear mind of thought, had the skill, and enough tactics to kill the Zerg. I would rather take Quality over Quanity anyday just because a Zerg can only get you so far in the game before you meet real skill players, and they kill you.
To answer your question, it's really depends on the players and their skill. A small team of skilled players can easily kill a giant Zerg, but the Zerg can also have good tatics or just be mindless. But, in my opinion. No, big numbers won't always win.
eXploited will just kill all of the Zergs, since unlike them we don't take mindless zombies. We throw them in the trash where they belong.
Quality > Quantity
We only take in the strong, and leave the weak to it demise.
it can't be "open beta" if you pay for entrance lol
So true. @Nightcoder You need to brush up on open beta, since if you paying for entrance into beta then that isn't open beta. You paying for entrance, never have I
had ever pay to get into open beta since open betas are free. Also, you wrong about B2P models alot of them had open beta before for free aka Dauntless. So, no you are wrong but keep trying if you want.
Better yet, Black Ops 4 is having an open beta next month FOR FREE. So, if you paying for entrance for beta it isn't really an open beta since it isn't open to the entire public just the people who brought it. If you consider buying into beta was open then so is Alpha, and etc. So, just stop embrassing yourself @Nightcoder since you're wrong on all points.
@nightcoder said in Open Beta:
I don't think you know what open beta means....
I think @FibS summarized it pretty well. The only thing I added is that I'd consider the last beta (aka beta 2) to be an open beta if -
By the time it launches it's still possible to join and start playing immediately.
Even for someone who joins beta 2 after it's live, the price is at most the price of the final release (i.e. it does not cost extra to join the last beta).
If you consider open beta to be something else then please join the discussion.
What you just said is like saying "Alpha 1 is open beta," since Alpha 1 and so is all the other test phrases are open to everyone too. So, you wrong on that pint too.
Open beta is meaning that the beta phrase is FREE and open to everyone. All the testing phrase is open but not free. So, no there is no free open betas but you must pay which isn't even consider an open beta just buying in early on the game.
@nightcoder said in Open Beta:
open beta implies that there is no need to purchase any early access. open beta implies it's free and.. open to everyone.Well the game (after release) is not going to be free either. According to the kickstarter it's gonna cost €30 (pay once). On the kickstarter you could have gotten it for €20, which also includes beta 2 access. The non-early-bird price was €25, which is probably the same as it's going to cost from now on on the website. If by the time the game enters beta 2 the game is still available on the website and costs no more than €30 and still includes the beta 2 access then how is it not open beta?
I don't think you know what open beta means....
@fibs said in Racial Diversity of Fractured Visualized:
@sparky said in Racial Diversity of Fractured Visualized:
Since, a lot of people think Demons are going to work together which is a laugh
Not so much "work together" as "form a few influential guilds who everyone else is afraid of".
So yes, Tartaros will likely form a few large factions. I wouldn't expect more than three (and more likely two). Not every single Demon will be part of one of these loose political parties - I doubt that they together will have more than half of all Demons in their ranks - and I doubt that any members of a given faction will be particularly loyal to one another.
If you're expecting every single Demon to be a solo player, though, or are trying to do so yourself, you're going to be humiliated quickly and repeatedly.
Never said "Demons can't work together as in form guilds," but as a whole. I already know people will be forming demon clans as I am in one myself, but the three factions aka the alliances could happen and be a possibility. But, can't see it happening for most demons but for the softcore demons which can't defend themselves, or just want to abuse and be under the protection of someone powerful so they don't have to do much, I can seem then forming or massing together. But, for the real hardcore demons I can just see them chilling with their own guild and doing their own thing, and even for solo players demons.
Since, I can care less if alot of demons wanna form some big massive alliance, then you can easily identify from the softcores to the hardcore players. The more players you have then it'll be more easier to get resources and holding land but most l likely won't have skilled players just bigger numbers. While, the hardcore players who have fewer numbers in their guild will have a tougher time but can easily endure it if they have the skill.
Most of the times when I play MMOs and notice the largest community/guild/alliance they end being the worst. Example: A 10k alliance called "ARCH," back in Albion Online was the biggest alliance, but was just terrible and most likely always died in ZvZ and OW. Since, most guilds and players in that alliance just wanted protection and didn't want to be killed by everyone. Even though most guilds got destroyed and utterly rekt by other alliances, they still hardly got killed because of their numbers and people stayed away from them unless Warcamp time. So, bigger alliances/guilds may be powerful but they can easily crumble too.
@myux said in Racial Diversity of Fractured Visualized:
@dulu yes we are. my main issue is that clans will likely become a thing and tartar sauce will turn into a zergfest, so if the devs could somehow discourage demons ganging up on other demons thatd be nice, i have no idea how they would go about doing that though.
I don't think you undestand Dulu, he wants Demons to be FFA PvP. So, does myself and no if demons want to gang on each other then let them it's their problem for picking the race.