Early Bird Immortal - Backer #8

Best posts made by Sparky
RE: Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!
RE: Extension of: Alpha 1 Please Line Up!
Make people cry and steal all their shit.
RE: mount and full loot
@severinus He was talking about the cosmetic mounts and not the actual mount themselves. The actual mount themselves will mostly like be dropped because this is ''full-loot-PvP,'' while the cosmetic will stay account bound.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
Exploited was the guild I came from in Albion Online, and in the three-four months I've been in there. Lord Vicious easily created a powerhouse of a guild, had three city plots, and a TOP 5 alliance who just destroyed anyone in their path.
Can't wait to see what we can do in Fractured.
RE: Hello!!!
@gamaprice said in Hello!!!:
Hi, nice to meet you.
Haha, I read autobot and could only think of Transformers, welcome!
Same here. lol
[Suggestions] Tournament in Towns + Governor features
Don't think the developers gave much information on Towns and how they would work out. So, I thought of suggesting a few things.
This is the list I made up for features that people who are Governors of towns should have.
*Allow to banish people - Meaning not letting them in and or their not allowed there. The person can still try and sneak into the town, but if caught can get killed or arrested.*Tournaments - I think it'll be a cool feature if towns can host their own tourneys and people can come to watch or take part in it.
*Governor's employees - It'll also be a cool feature if Governors can give people ranks like the guild system. You'll have the top of the line Governor then below them a second in-command or a Vice Governor to help the Governor maintain the town.
*Marketplace - I think the developers already said this in their blogs or something along the lines, but it'll be cool to build like a little marketplace area in your town and have merchants come to sell their items and or have your very own shops open where the Governor can sell the items his or anyone in his guild may put in the shop. Also, players can buy the items and or sell the items in the shops too.
*Laws - I think the developers set this in place already in the blogs, but just to remind them to try and give players who own towns to give them a wide variety of laws to choose.
*Attacking a Town and taking it over - Don't know if it is possible to attack other towns, and then take it over. But, I think you can attack towns and ruin it but not take it over completely. It'll be very cool if you could take over a town and or etc, but please don't let it be like Albion Online where you have GvGs and etc. It's just asking for trouble.
*Guards - I just don't mean players, but maybe if the Governor have good relations and or have the money for it. They can buy AI guards to guard their Town from intruders or trouble makers when the Governor or anyone else who was assign to guard the town isn't online.
*Upgrading the town - Maybe have a feature to upgrade a town or at least expand it instead of just being a small little town.
This is all the suggestions I have at the moment, if anyone else would like to suggest something. Then, feel free.
RE: Hello!!!
Welcome! And i'm not sure that that is actually a bot or someone who made a good entry post and just sends it to everyone so they know where to start!
Most likely a bot, but hello to you too.
@itaamatsu said in Hello!!!:
im hoping for big things to come out of this!
Same bby!!
@whoatethecat said in Hello!!!:
Hello Sparky!
MataHello to you too, Mata.
RE: I Want To Play A Game | The Arboreus Swamp Hunt
This is interesting.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
Old picture of us in Albion Online aka my first day there. I'll post more of these every day.
RE: Two Words On Reporting, Leaderboards & Pre-Alpha. I'm tired.
I fucking love how most of you are putting on these fake faces saying ''Fuck toxicity, and this community shouldn't be toxic.'' Like once pre-alpha, alpha, beta, and or the game finally comes out all of you is most likely be toxic and start trashing on each other. Quit it with the fake faces, and stop blaming on people saying ''OMG! He's toxic.'' I'm not only defending Vicious, but I'm also defending everyone else in the community who had enough of this bullshit.
What Vicious did was it, right? Yes, most cheaters get shamed in the public and they have to take it what comes to them.
Was it toxic what he done? No, I don't know why you guys even wearing these fake masks or whatever you wanna call them acting like you not toxic one bit or did anything toxic in your life. Quit acting fake, and blaming it all on Vicious. You just being toxic just by blaming this all on him.
Was the developers right to make this post? Developers, I love this game and have high hopes for it and still have it. But, once you made that post and said ''Whoever in the TOP 100 is guarantee to get a pre-alpha key.'' You made it into a competition. So, don't blame Vicious or anyone else for bringing up cheaters... Because... It's your fault also... Sorry, but it had to be said.
What have to change? This community is fine as it is, there's going to be people fighting and being toxic, there's some who act like they not toxic but actually is, and then there's an actual not non-toxic people. This is how mainly every gaming community is. But, if you Fractured going to be a Full-loot-PvP MMO and just ban toxic players for arguing this is not a good thing, you just killing your own playerbase by doing so. If they wanna argue and or fight, then let them if you ban them then they'll just leave and just say ''Fuck it.'' Making competition between guilds and other players is what make MMOs communities so fun because there's so much going on inside the scene and outside the scene that's it's great.
Is Drama good for this game?Take Albion Online for an example, the developers literally just loved the drama and just fed it because the community loved it and brung in new people because the drama wasn't hurting no one at all ''physically,'' and was a great laugh to everyone. That game had so much drama and so much happen to it that even with less then 20k players now still hop on and play it, and new players still flowing in. If you want this game to succeed, you shouldn't start banning people for toxic behavior and or arguing for exposing other guilds. Then, you'll just get rid of that part of the playerbase, and they'll just end of leaving not caring about the game anymore. Which isn't really a good idea to start getting rid of your playerbase just because they like to be toxic.
Banning toxic players, and will this help the community? Fuck to the NO. You'll just be killing the playerbase more over then helping it. Toxic players are still part of the playerbase, and if you think this is a good idea of banning them while kickstarter is on and the game haven't even remotely been completed yet. Then, you a fucking idiot for doing so.
Message to all you FUCKERS who got those fake ''non-toxic masks'' on: Take them off before I do so because I really do hate it when people start acting like something they aren't. Once, the game releases we all know you going to switch up I seen it many times before in other MMOs and I'm not surprised I'm seeing this here. So, keep acting like the nice guy to get into Pre-alpha and then switch up into a toxic idiot or let see how long you going to wear that fake mask.
P.S. If you got something to say then reply to this post and prove me wrong.
RE: Now think Clearly Here
@zidroc I hope you mean when eXploited rules everything, since other demons can just die all I care. lol
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
@mattdaniel @Vicious @Dulu Remember this? lol
RE: Now think Clearly Here
@zidroc I think you a bit wrong on the OP demon thing. Demons aren't OP nor is any other race superior to the other one. It all comes down to weapons, armor, money, and of course Skill and or etc just like any other MMO. Yes, Demons can raid any planet they like without any backlash, but that doesn't mean they'll be OP as fuck or anything of the sort. Everyone is on equal grounds unless they have better armor, weapons, and skill and or etc.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
One server only for Fractured. #NOMUTIPLESERVERS
RE: Now think Clearly Here
@dragomok said in Now think Clearly Here:
@wolefie said in Now think Clearly Here:
I said before that I wanted to be a demon, but then didn't feel like it because I saw Exploited.
Link for convenience of future readers: eXploited, the self-proclaimed "#1 demon guild".
We're currently are the #1 ranking demon guild just look at the leaderboards. lol
So, we're not self-proclaimed at all, it's a fact.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
@iamlejnd said in eXploited (#1 demon guild ):
Are all 90 players set in place, or is there still some recruitment going on ?
I'm only interested in playing with try harding sweatlords. Anything below peak performance is also below meMost of those 90 players + are just randoms who applied to join, and never even came on discord. We still have room, and no the forum guild isn't the guild. It just random people applying, and we just accepted for the fun of it. If you like you can come on discord and etc, but currently we're setting up discord for WoW classic while we wait for Fractured. But, you can still come in and talk to us if you like and join in for some WoW classic while we wait.
But, this thread is mainly a placeholder while we wait for Fractured, yes we are still recruiting for Fractured. But, it's a long way ahead and we're focus on WoW Classic for the time being.
Also, feel free to join our website at www.exploitedgaming.com , but currently those interviews are for WoW classic and not Fractured. We'll start Fractured recruitment once Lord Vicious post the requirements, but feel free to join discord at https://discord.gg/nhn5hj .
RE: Now think Clearly Here
@gothix You are correct, but until the fixed the leaderboards into in-game like they said before. We're on top for the time being, and you are truly are correct about most of them not being in eXploited when the game releases.