@Zidroc said in EVE Online players here?:
I've seen it on steam, never tried it. It sounds fun, but definitely seems like you need a group of friends to play with. I read that ganking is huge
The entire server is essentially a PvP server. In high security space there are police NPCs that will punish people who break the law, but they are there to punish criminals, not protect the innocent.
There's an ongoing back-and-forth on the EVE community forums around people who like PvE complaining about getting killed, and pretty much everyone else who thinks they're crybabies. Hence, carebears.
I'm a particularly odd strain of (former) EVE player in that I liked the PvE side of it, but I just accepted that ganking was a part of the game so adjusted my ships, fits and playstyle accordingly. And it was fine. Plenty of other hisec players who didn't do that and presented way more tempting targets. The trick is that you don't have to outplay the gankers, you just have to out play the other PvE players so the gankers go to them and leave you be.