@kellewic said in I want to get excited but...:
Yes, I've read the many threads and pages about PvE vs. PvP and it's definitely not only a heated topic but also a hard problem to tackle.
I really like the idea of the potential struggle between races/alignments. I agree with some statements made by @Phaethonas in another thread I read this morning as well - https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1481/feature-spotlight-6-pvp-alignment-crime/52 - regarding Demons seeing this huge disadvantage as a challenge and alliances being created. But, this is only half the story in my opinion. If such an alliance did form, I could see one being formed on the Good side as well - this could create a very interesting inter-planetary struggle for resources
I doubt that such a "Good" alliance would be formed, and that (such an alliance not forming) would be a problem actually.
If you are right and such a "Good" alliance forms, then the pvpers will have the challenge that we want and the pvers will be protected to a certain, and possibly sufficient degree. The problem though is that, the "good guys" won't be incentivised to form such an alliance. Any "good alliances" formed will be limited at Syndesia, the human planet, and will be formed around politics and dynamics at that planet.
These alliances will have no reason to go to Arboreus and protect the care bears there. The Arboreus players could be split to two categories. The spine-less care bears and those who realize that when you try to marry pve and pvp in an open world environment (as Fractured tries to do), you have to accept that you may be killed at times by that pvper who is roleplaying a "bad guy". The spine-less care bears, won't be able to form nor participate in an Alliance of Good. So who is gonna protect them? Who is gonna rush to support/help them, when they won't be helping themselves? People tend to help other people in need, if the latter (those who are in need of help), are trying to help themselves. So no "Alliance of Good" will be formed at Arboreus, and no "Alliance of Good" formed at Syndesia will bother to protect the care bear beasties.
This will bring unbalance at the game. This will create the exact problem the care bears don't won't to face; being ganked/killed. And it will do so exponentially.
The mechanics that were announced will incentivize the "Bad Guys" to make peace at times and form a necessary alliance that without they won't survive.
As I said, you need mechanics that will keep the demons.....Fractured (pun intended). Instead mechanics that will incentivise demons to band together were announced!
Have no doubt, if I play the game, I will be there and I will be advocating unity. But uniting a large group of people, let alone "wild" pvpers, is not an easy task, under normal circumstances. I doubt that my message of occasional unity will be heard, if the said unity is not needed in order to go and get pine wood. When you won't be able to get pine wood though, you will be willing to listen to my message of this Alliance.
As I've said before. Fractured tries to combine pvp and pve. This means that extreme pvpers (call them gankers or otherwise if you like) have no place at this game. But this also means that, extreme pvers (I call them care-bears) also have no place in this game. If the game tries to cater at either of them, the balance is being lost, and the game will ultimately fail.
It may take 3-4 years for the game to collapse, Dynamight Studios may have made a profit by then, but from a player's perspective? The game will have failed.
Do not incentivise demons to band together.