@Specter my apologies, to seuss and anyone else i may have offended. Sometimes things become heated and my comments were possibly unnecessary.

Posts made by OldMule
RE: Play Free, Win A Key - The Contest
RE: Play Free, Win A Key - The Contest
@GamerSeuss also, spouting idiocy about 3 entries has literally no basis in fact. Please share your source that would exempt the company from this act, or stfu and accept that you were wrong
RE: Play Free, Win A Key - The Contest
@GamerSeuss again more baseless idiocy. Go back under your rock, troll.
First off, its not an alpha key, its a permanent game key, and therefore yes it absolutely does have a value. Regardless of that, a default value that you put on something does not define whether it is material or not, in spite of what you would like to hold true. It is, in fact, a material offering as a prize for a promotional contest, and therefore it is covered by the act. You can argue if you like, but it is there in black and white in spite of your ignorance. -
RE: Play Free, Win A Key - The Contest
" Deceptive Marketing Practices
Reviewable Matters
Marginal note:Misrepresentations to public74.01 (1) A person engages in reviewable conduct who, for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, the supply or use of a product or for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, any business interest, by any means whatever,
(a) makes a representation to the public that is false or misleading in a material respect; "
Figured id put that there just in case you were considering replying with more baseless, drooling idiocy. Literally the opposite of what you said, contained in the act.
Im really not too worried about it, but the world is dumb enough without idiots like you disinforming people.
If they dont wanna honour their contest, they dont want to honour it. I just asked them why... not you, unless you're their representative. Them. -
RE: Play Free, Win A Key - The Contest
@GamerSeuss but tyvm for spending so much time on this. I'm happy that it gave you an opportunity to try to make someone else feel inferior, even if it was in vain. You seem like a great... thing. Enjoy your summer, get outside for a bit. You could probably use some fresh air and sunlight.
RE: Play Free, Win A Key - The Contest
@GamerSeuss it literally does encompass events like these. Not sure why you are so triggered, but saying something more than once doesn't make it any more true. Your comments about self aggrandizement can certainly be redirected to you own comment, since what you said has no basis in the truth, and was obviously just to soothe your own narcissistic ego. You should write for fox news.
RE: Play Free, Win A Key - The Contest
@GamerSeuss it literally is not acceptable business practice here in canada. The Competition Act actually prohibits this very type of activity. Not sure why you bothered to chime in on this, since you obviously aren't well informed on the subject.
Had there been some sort of statement regarding lack of entries, as you said, then sure it would be reasonable and even expected. There was not, and therefore lacked sufficient disclosure. It is poor business practice at best, and criminal at worst. -
RE: Play Free, Win A Key - The Contest
@Prometheus why did i never receive a key for the character builds contest back in the winter? I was the only person that posted a build during that one. I sent numerous emails asking about it... is the contest just a sham? I understand that it sucks to win by default, but are you just going to not honor your word simply because of the lack of interest in that category?
I was so excited about this game, but this whole thing has left a sour taste. I want to play the game, but if this is how the company does business then i doubt i will bother -
RE: Stealth Archer
@KingQuantum the build allows for a lot of variety as the spells I use don't use the ability points available. if they make it so you can bind more spells then I would always have both heals. I would also bind the bandages... bandages could easily be given their own button, and it makes sense for EVERYONE to use them so its only logical that they would give it a binding
would be nice to have a binding for herbal remedies as well.
Thanks for the feedback, I didn't know the numbers on the heals, I just knew that the minor healing was minor, and the healing wave was nice especially in a group. ideally you would be running with a couple other stealth characters.
Stealth Archer
I didn't have a lot of time to play this open test, but I found this stealth archer build to be very effective.
For stats we want to max out dexterity, perception, and intelligence. This does leave us very fragile, but we won't be looking to take fair fights with this build.
For gear we will be wearing leather, with a light weapon bow, and a light armor shield on our shield slot. I carry a heavy bow as well, and leave one slot as unarmed. I also used a wolf tooth necklace, for the extra crit bonuses.
For our talent tree we will go deep on the perception path, avoiding detection but taking all the damage and accuracy nodes. Max it out to the ends of those two subpaths.
enter the dex tree getting some extra stealth and dex. you need this tree only to get access to the shared path between perception and dexterity, to gain the crit bonuses.
We will go deep into intelligence as well. This one is more left to personal preference, but i chose extra mana.For abilities, we will be taking Double Shot, Acid Arrows, Power Shot, Healing Wave, Relocate, Shadow Walk, Second Wind, and Shadow Dance.
Always remember that when you dismount, before you activate Shadow Walk, you will need to activate Acid Arrows and Double Shot, as these spells will remove you from stealth when activated.
Shadow Walk allows us to run around hidden, and is such a fun way to play this game. The potential for this ability is through the roof.
Acid Arrows adds a ton of damage to our attacks, and the stacking corrosion makes kiting much easier.
Whenever Double Shot is off cooldown it offers us a massive damage boost for a shot.
Bandaids don't help us much with this build, as our constitution is meh. That's why we take Healing wave. With our high intelligence, healing wave offers a great heal for us, and if we are in a group, its extremely good.
Power Shot is pretty self explanatory.
Relocate requires us to tab over to the unarmed slot to use it, so you may want to skip the heavy bow just to make it easier/faster to get to. This offers us a lot of manoeverability.
Second Wind will save us in a pinch, and without effective bandaids this spell will be used as often as it can be.
Shadow dance offers a nice damage boost and can be cast from stealth. I like that it gives us pure damage, and the stealth bonus could come in handy if trying to escape or get past a scout.
I didnt have time to get into enchantments, but i would be focusing on crit and accuracy.
I hope you like my build, please comment with any constructive critcism. -
[FRAC-2036] Excessive KP gains when killing monsters in a group
Not sure if intended, but it seems when multiple people are attacking one mob, it is possible to multiply your knowledge gain on that mob by the number of people attacking it. Where you might gain 11% for one kill, if 5 people are attacking it you can potentially gain 55% knowledge in one shot.
RE: New World by Amazon - Anyone interested?
Bezos is the bad guy from ready player one
RE: No grind for real?
I don't know why people say it isn't going to have a grind. There's always some sort of grind. In Fractured it is no different. You have to grind specific mobs until you unlock specific spells... and then until you unlock talents... you will have to grind to collect currency to buy land or goods, or grind the goods themselves. It isn't "levels" but it is. Each mob unlocks spells gated by knowledge level with that mob. It is a cool system, but it is still a grind. That being said, it takes basically no time at all to grind the mobs. Getting to the mobs was the real grind.
Next testing period ETA?
Just had my first taste of the game with the recent open alpha test... wondering when the next test period will be starting. I have been looking forward to trying this game out, and now I've had a little tease.
Targetting overview
I feel the game would benefit a great deal from a targetting overview similar to eve online.
Games often overlook the benefit of having a list of all targets available. Maybe they thing it would take away from the experience or the ambiance. To that i say make it an optional hud interface option.
I don't like tab targetting, and iso view games have long had issues with clicking to target. An overview eliminates the former and minimizes the pain of 5he latter