For some reason my character cannot login from the character select. My id is 1673. It gives me various reasons such as invalid location or no reason at all.

Posts made by MorganReed
Unable to login to character
RE: CON is way too overpowered for Warriors.
The thing is with 20 Str also I deal 100% bonus damage and my strike cooldowns are 5 seconds. I do as much damage as most dps tanks (not including 2handed weapons). The damage cap is way too easy to reach as a warrior but that's another can of worms.@asspirin
Yep, I have a 27 con build and can bump it up to 28 if I wanted to -
CON is way too overpowered for Warriors.
I am a warrior main, and I was among to first to notice that high-con builds are insanely overpowered. Right now at 27 con with a full set of bronze armor, talents, and enchanted trinkets leads to a 1.2 second block cooldown, a 5 recharge on all warfare "strike" abilities, a 26 second second wind cooldown and a 27% increase in attack speed with frenzy. This needs to be fixed. Right now I propose a lower base cooldown, but a nerfed cooldown reduction based on CON. Literally fights between tanks in pvp can result in stalemates, both of them autohealing faster than they could deal damage. PVE wise, Players can also solo tank for hours against hard legends such as murag with bandages.
RE: Damage bonus: it could be so easy
I agree with that idea that str gives bonuses to light melee weapons. Dex could player a better role, but str is also needed to be important for rouges.
I think also that the attributes could provide a separate damage bonus for it is very easy to reach 100% damage bonus cap. -
RE: Stuns should give stun immunity
@Roccandil I agree. Right now mages and rouges are woefully stun locked and it would lead to that cycle. Maybe have it to a major slow instead. I tested this out with Blectorn as a rouge. He spent around 8 out of every 10 seconds being stunned. That is unacceptable in many aspects.
RE: World's First Max KP & All Pages!
@Aurellas The ranking not live, but I wish it was
RE: [FRAC-2352] Cold resistance/Ice resistance
@kellewic said in Cold resistance/Ice resistance:
nts look to be based on Cold and not Ice (damage and resistance).
But the actual resistance is called Ice Resistance.So basically its the same thing and enchantments for ice resistance also resist things that do cold damage?
RE: World's First Max KP & All Pages!
TBH If it wasn't for the leaderboard, I would've never tried to grind out all the pages. All I need is 60 Talent points and all the warfare builds. But that is some serious dedication. Congrats!
RE: Bug or Oversight- No craft option for Metal Arrows
I believe they didn't implement into the game for some reason. I agree if they didn't want metal arrows in the game yet, why have the option to craft the heads in the forge?
RE: Silver weapons still not working on incorporeal creatures
It could also be them having an insane evasion stat of 1160 apparently. They can't dodge projectiles like bows and arrows but it evades most physical attacks. I had the inevitable talent which makes every 20 seconds a hit is guaranteed. I got them for like 50 damage before they teleported.
RE: (Canceled) Tournament at Coal City on Saturday 8pm EST! Prizes included!
Sadly only 4 people has signed up, so I am canceling the tournament due to lack of participation
RE: Durability is depleting WAY too fast + Tanks are getting screwed!
@Esoba This could work also. Maybe tie it to the alchemy system like you need oils or certain ingredients to make sword oil or other things.
RE: Patch Log - v.a.2.4.1d
Right now fast traveling is needed given the sparse player population and time it takes to trade. Once things like these are fixed, I expect ports to be emergency teleports again.
RE: Durability is depleting WAY too fast + Tanks are getting screwed!
I agree with this. I feel as though for the current investment and cost of armor, it should not go down so quickly during a fight. Either decrease the cost of getting metal armor and weapons or increase their durability. I prefer the latter.
RE: Chariot/Caravan/Carriage instead of auto follow.
I agree with this as long as they have a way to slow these large vehicles down. Otherwise people are going to use them as getaways cars from pvp fights. Maybe have hits on these vehicles slow them down, or have them do poorly on non-paved roads? But I completely agree with multiple person vehicles.
Ports do not work since last pattch
I had gold at atrium harbor and wanted to use the port. However the ports seemed to be bugged, as it did not take my gold and I did not teleport.
RE: [FRAC-2336] Tradepost cant withdraw coins
Go around the other side of the table to withdraw coins. Its a known bug and they are fixing it
RE: Feedback Please redo the wagon and cart.
I agree maybe have a way to lock the inventory screen while to prevent it from closing
RE: (Canceled) Tournament at Coal City on Saturday 8pm EST! Prizes included!
Finally we are moving the time to 8pm EST to encourage more applications.