After a week of experience and impressions, i feel to leave here some suggestions to improve gameplay and fix some problem:
Since game seems really slow, roads allow to move a bit faster and lower our stress during infinite travels
But i think roads could works even differently and better with some improve. All roads in world are divided in segments, each segment connect 2 villages or town (at their end point a wooden sign will show the road segment. The two cities connected can improve that road segment increasing the road rank
But how it work? A city send a request to the other one to start the improvement project, if it accept both cities have to load stones into the wood signs (the sum is equally divided indipendently by the rank of towns), so if 40 stones needed, each city have to place 20 stones. When placed, road rank up becoming a lastricated road (or marbled road name is just an example). This road have a travel speed increased by 100% (so the double respect the normal road). Road need maintenance, this maintenance is the half of the build cost (in this case 20 stones), whoever can help to upkeep road, maintenance is weekly (not daily), if requirement is not satisfied, road rank down to normal one.
BUT WHY? because a faster road attract more travelers, improve the commerce and force involuntarly people to move there instead other roads.
But how much cost a rank up of the road? it is directly proportioned to the distance (about 1-2 stone per tile, so very long road will cost really high (even 70-80 stones) and upkeep even is high but travels will be greatly improved.
Each city at a certain rank (not at begin), can release a carovan (a wagon) that will go sell or buy something decided by governor into his tradepost in another city. Carovan will start from the governor tradepost and move only on roads until the tradepost of destination, do the deal and come back.
why this? no time waste, faster grow, time safer. Risks? carovan can be raided during travel, because player killers can patrol choke points and raid carovan stealing all. Well this could happen even if u decide to move carovan on your own with a personal trade, but in this case you can choose to travel out of road avoiding pirates.
At high ranks Cities will unlock Militians which will guard town by raiders, but even a governor can decide to link militians at guard of carovans, but if this will give more safety to the carovan, reduce the defence of the city itself (hard to decide, raider could notice militians going out of town and raid city...beware governors lol.
Since i have a stone city and i love it, Both stone and fertile grounds got a really bad appeal on players. Stone cities simply have no advantage, it produce a reasource all players can get everywhere, sure more than others but it is not enough.
I suggest Stone cities have a quarry where citizen can dig Boulders, these boulders can be disgregate into 8-10 stones or can be used to build advanced building in highest rank in cities (an end game resource for biggest cities)
Meantime i wish Fertile grounds can produce more crops than others, not in quantity but even in variety (those crops have a better effect on city upkeep or another end game resource)