Its always better to ask than silently regret later

Best posts made by LonelyCookie
RE: Do Founder Packs give permanent access?
RE: Change to Syndesia, the true mix of PvE and PvP?
@GreatValdus It could work as a solution to the horrendous PvP situation, it would probably promote city wars, but I would be really worried it slips into a boring status quo of two mega alliances stuck in a Cold War of sorts with no actual wars after some times. It kinda promotes the "Us vs Them" mentality.
Another idea ive seen in discords, one was to combine "guild war declarations" into my partial loot system, where the declaration would allow full loot between enemies. Since Tartaros is the individual "survival of the fittest" PvP, it makes sense to gear Syndesia towards the Group vs Group gameplay, combining partial loot (for individual and criminal PvP) and full loot (for Group v Group PvP) would be a great way to handle it.
RE: Do Founder Packs give permanent access?
Yes, Master pack gets access to all alpha and beta tests. (And the full game)
RE: Change to Syndesia, the true mix of PvE and PvP?
@Xanafel said in Change to Syndesia, the true mix of PvE and PvP?:
I feel that the full loot pvp is a core tenet of the game. Changing that in anyway damages the spirit.
If a demon infiltrated arboreus and I kill him, I get all his stuff. Even on the non pvp world. And vice versa if he kills me.As I said in the original post, demons killing (and getting killed) on Syndesia would still be full loot
(In addition to "guild vs guild wars" also being full loot as said in one of the later edits). With Syndesia being solo-friendly with PvP geared towards Group vs Group, it makes sense to keep full loot for this group PvP and have it partial loot for criminal PvP (which is in essence, individual/solo).
Keeps the full loot risk for guild, city and demon raid gameplay, makes it slightly nicer towards solos, PvErs and gatherers while at the same time very likely curbing down the rampant ganking groups as they would lose their easy full loot.
Edit: Keep in mind, theres already a planet for the "full risky individual PvP", theres no point in replicating the same on Syndesia.
RE: Twitch Q&A Video recording is where...?
@Kralith said in Twitch Q&A Video recording is where...?:
@Logain said in Twitch Q&A Video recording is where...?:
important points should be transcribed
Time for the community to do that!
Since they are a very small studio, we can stay as a community behind them and help with such stuff.
We did that in the past too.
I would be glad, if a community member, who is native or very good english speaking, takes the video and creates a summary out of the Q&AI like how you quietly came up with work for other people and managed to come of as a good guy
But yeah, would be amazing if someone did it for the rest of us...watching 1,5h is a lot. I offer a cookie for transcribtion or notes!
RE: Can't wait for the game to fully release!
@Ster said in Can't wait for the game to fully release!:
First time I've been this excited about an MMO since original WoW.
Heyoo new person
thats quite an achievment for Fractured
RE: Refunds, negative reactions to Gamigo deal
@spoletta said in Refunds, negative reactions to Gamigo deal:
I understand where you are coming from, but you are being quite careless on 2 points:
- Both you and cookie have no kind of metric or method to claim those "100-200k". Yours is just a very wild and baseless guess.
Its not really that baseless. Activity in between tests is dozens of players at best, if we include word of mouth between the unhappy, you would get hundreds, most likely low hundreds.
All of them would need to have Eternal pack for 300€ to break 100k barrier, based on what I know about purchases in my own guild (sample of about 100people), most common purchase is the 45€/50€ one followed by the cheapest and 90€ packs. Champion mostly ignored and Eternal owned by only few individuals. Based on that, we are probably not even talking about 100k but less.
All Gamigo and DS need to do with the "PR stunt" as @Logain called it, is time it right (not during or around announced test phase) and make it a time limited offer (which is completely reasonable thing to do), minimum costs and maximum positive effect as every content creator and news site will be blasting variations of "Did Gamigo change into good guys?!" with their current and future playerbase being much more trusting.
PS: It is peanuts, Gamigo yearly revenue was around 60 million with 30% YoY growth in 2019
RE: Bounty Hunting & Jails - Official Feedback Thread
What I find shocking in some (or in my eyes even most) of the feedback is the complete disregard for the killed while crying about a jailed killer. You get all up in arms about "muh poor criminal buddy quit because 24h jail boohoo" but seem noone here gives a flying fuck about (way more common) the killed who quits after 3 days of grinding and getting killed. Some of you really need to wake up for gods sake. Criminal system shouldnt promote criminals, but to protect others against criminals while just kinda allowing criminals to be a thing. Stop treating Syndesia with the Tartaros-mindset.
Criminals quitting because they cant handle repurcussions of any sort isnt games problem, its problem of the criminals for picking the wrong planet.
edit: Yes, im honestly getting frustrated with Fractured and all this crap at this point. I know Prom said no namecalling, but jesus, some of the feedback is like demons trying to have a second planet.
RE: Bounty Hunting & Jails - Official Feedback Thread
@trik said in Bounty Hunting & Jails - Official Feedback Thread:
I never understand this, they are docking you time for PKing people only if you get caught correct? What's wrong with that, whats the cumulative time you cost people that you killed to earn that bounty? I've asked this on many forums and in many games back to UO in 97, why is your time more valuable than mine? When you are brought to justice you should suffer a time sink that I lost. Who do you think you are elevating your time above others?
Thank god, finally someone said it. Why is "your" (criminal) time sacred and cant be taken away, but everyone elses days can be wasted for "your" (criminal) pleasure by the dozens while "you" (criminal) do you fancy 1hour murder-adventure?
RE: New Alpha Testing Methodology Recommended
Yes to shorter alphas with giving us everything we need for the specific added features, it always dies out fast with current testing.
However, weekend alphas are way too short, 4-7days would be more reasonable (depending on added content), plus the "old style" month long test every 6months to see how all the changes "work together, from start to finish" .
Keep the short alphas for pack holder only (with some test keys, not current "entire guilds" style). Keep first week of the long alphas only for pack holders, after the one week, open it to all, not giving out keys, just flat open to everyone. Open the floodgates, test the sh*t out of it and attract lots of interest (and sales as it wont be "free key locked")
RE: New Alpha Testing Methodology Recommended
With Sieges nowhere to be seen at the end of the month of a roughly month-long test that had sieges as one of its highlights, its time to bump this thread again and point out how harming the current testing setup is to the game, trust of its community and developers health .
Not to mention, its very unhealthy for the developers to be in neverending cycles of stress, very harsh deadlines and 12+hr workdays/weekends. Every test is the same, promising features for next test and Prometheus overworking himself every time.
Prometheus, please, change how testing is done. I am/We are asking this for good of the game and your own health and well-being.
Edit: With this, im going back to my sleepy slumber, if you react to me, expect an answer within a week or two when i look on the forums again
RE: Meridian's Spring 2021 Alpha test feedback - OPEN DISCUSSION ENCOURAGED!
Since I agree with some (mostly regarding directly cities like size or instant resident decay or abuses) and disagree with a lot (everything else like fast travel, prisons or food scarcity) of what Alexian wrote above but have very little time to go in detail, imma just skip it to what annoys me the most on this thread
On the disagree parts...I am simply not a fan of "second job/like real life" games. Games should be enjoyed, not suffered.
@Rife said in Meridian's Spring 2021 Alpha test feedback - OPEN DISCUSSION ENCOURAGED!:
Jails with playtime sentences : I dont think playtime should ever be a sentence because it's similar to a soft ban.
Killing PvErs and full looting them soft bans them from content they want to do just as jailing you soft bans you from content you want to do. As many PvPers love to say to complaining PvErs: "Its part of the game, deal with it". Play with fire, suffer by fire. Actually, suffer more as the perpetrator of 'evil' on neutral planet.