Hi everyone! I'm following the project almost since its beginning but I've decided to join here only recently since (finally) also some of my friends have decided to join on Fractured when it will be ready and released.
We're an old group of 4-8 people that play toghter since the time of Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot. After almost 10 years of World of Warcraft (from day-1 Vanilla to the end of Cataclysm), we've never found another MMO that really captured our interest.
Many aspetcs of Fractured got us here: so many common points with UO and, most of all, a system finally free of time-consuming exping phases or endless grind. Afterall we're all grown up and between family and work we don't have much time left so something that will grant us the chance to have fun without wasting hours just completing quests and killing mobs is more than welcome.
I really hope that Fractured can be what we're searching for.