@EvolGrinZ I'm not hyping about playing a fully finished game here, just one that could potentially be. And it could provided we do our roles as testers effectively and provide feedback and support to the fullest. Which is what I am hoping for.
Posts made by Kniknack
RE: The Hype is building; can you feel it?
RE: Intemization system
@Roccandil Back when I tried Heroes and Generals, had a game similar to that... ended in our mangled tins cans limping proudly while the bodies of our MUCH higher level foes in ruins. All thanks to a guy in a french accent. It was glorious. Thanks for the reminder of that.
@J4po Yeah, the gear we equip is supposedly going to impact our characters as much as the environment in much of the way @Target put it.
RE: Daily Message posting
@azazar Yeah, I looked at it... kinda looked like a cheap knock off of what Fractured aims to be. And community servers with mods? That could get...messy.
RE: Suggestion: Utility Magic, Spellbook, Spell Scrolls
@kellewic No, you understood the spotlight perfectly, however, what I mean from this system is not having to constantly swap hotbar abilities or for those that specialize their builds to augment them further with abilities they haven't researched yet in one time usage items.
Since you have to be out of combat to swap out the hotbar, what happens when you become under attack and you have made the unfortunate error of swapping out the whole bar with all those utility spells you wanted to use? Now you're out of combat ready abilities for the duration of combat which could turn fatal.
RE: Suggestion: Utility Magic, Spellbook, Spell Scrolls
Alright, getting back to my thoughts on utility magic and stuffs. I think I touched up on my idea for a Spellbook UI and actions taken during the 'casting use' with it.. My next item on the list is Spell Scrolls..
What are Spell Scrolls? In essence, quick use spells that really act as skills. Since there will be tiered crafting materials, it would be safe to assume that higher quality scrolls would be able to be used multiple times.. however.. there is a max limit of three uses starting at the first rank of the spell, then two at the second rank, then only one at the third.. to limit insanely powerful abilities from becoming shotguns in a battlefield.
When can I use Spell Scrolls? You can use them when you are either in combat or not, depending on their type. Offensive obviously would only be used when combat occurs. The same is said for the opposite, with utility scrolls used off-combat. This would be especially good for those that like to blend different playstyles for different situations, especially if they happen to be either solo, or in a party that have gotten into waaaay more than they can deal with.
So what would be the difference between a magic item and scroll? Magic items as far as the game mechanics presently show would be used differently than scrolls, which are essentially like potions or other tools. Naturally they have their limitations, especially since they are portable versions of spells, they don't pack quite as much of a punch, but they would however be good in a pinch. This is especially true if lockable doors were introduced and some doors locked by magical means required to be unlocked. Rather than deviating from your build a little too much or waiting for a lockpicking monkey to happen by, pop a scroll.
This would also be a good avenue for trading as well as crafting and could open up further paths of combat by changing the battlefield through the careful application of scrolls, especially if you introduced a cooldown between uses. We'll just say its for the ambient magic left over from the previous scroll to dissipate.
RE: The Hype is building; can you feel it?
@mazikar Don't you have to turn it on first before the nitrous?
RE: WASD or click to move only?
Mhm.. for an isometric 3d game similar to runescape builds, mouse controls seem good.. though if they want a moba combat feel, there really should be an option for both styles.
RE: Intemization system
I got to be honest I am not entirely thrilled with the concept in general from the standpoint that a new player fresh to the field should not be on par with someone that has put in hundreds of hours, blood, sweat, tears and other bodily fluids into the game and is geared appropriately, especially in a game where that same new player can KILL that veteran player and rob them of their equipment.
This can of worms would begin to become a nuisance because 1: The veteran gear would become easy to obtain for people that have put in almost no effort into the game. 2: flood the market with high quality gear for stupidly cheap price because the vet players would have to remake their gear only to be robbed again.. It sucks, but it could happen.
Point is, I understand skill and reflexes in battle are key, especially to prevent the god awful ganking and despirited griefing other games suffer from, but it is worse I think to allow the bedrock players to suffer because people complain about those same vets that 'own' them. There is an endgame boredom factor there that must be taken into account. I'm guilty of doing it myself.. of course it helps if you revive them afterwards, have a chuckle, let them KEEP their gear and items.. and the community is fine for it.
RE: This game looks amazing!
@dragomok it's because the mmo recipe hasn't been changed since wow.
I'm tired of the same soup. I want MEAT!
RE: Hello
@lightspoon YES. Nice to see folks from up coming in. Welcome welcome. Hoping this mmo becomes one of the greats. You and your friends should feel right at home
RE: Weave Fracture cataclysm, Elysium lore into exploration
@dragomok @Jairone That's the nice thing about the devs releasing the wiki, is that there is a space for all the lore for Fractured that can be added there.. There will also be people (hopefully) that have purchased the creator pack and up that can help contribute to the smaller details and tickling clues to the lore and mystery of the Fractured universe.
RE: The Hype is building; can you feel it?
I'm on a quest to become the first Lich in the worlds... if I have a heart attack that results in it.. BRING IT ONNNNNN!
RE: This game looks amazing!
@dragomok I believe in the dynamic ability of using the environment to the players advantage. And in the building and housing system. And in the knowledge system for means of progression.
RE: From Bandits to Questing Knights, come one come all!
@thegreatelleon A good idea, especially since running a town is tedious for some. However, I wonder about how you are going to store your materials and products? Can't exactly leave a warehouse in the outside of a town, that's just asking for trouble.