All I wanna do is post some fun, I gotta a feelin Im not the only one.

Posts made by Kniknack
RE: Daily Message posting
RE: Preventing Bots in Arboreus
@jetah Runescape bots from what I remember about them lacked combat ability, focusing more on gathering resources. Then again, this game will have different mechanics and will require different thinking approaching 'botting' So perhaps they will have combat built into them..
RE: Preventing Bots in Arboreus
My question for this thread is, if while gathering resources you will be attacked by the local fauna for 'disrupting the ecosystem,' isn't that already a deterrant for bots? Especially if the bot program lacks the ability to fight the mobs.
At least I think that is what they were talking about in one of the dev highlights where if you start gathering too much you're assaulted by mobs..
RE: Daily Message posting
A pillar of support, I and my brethren safeguard the land; linked together with our shield of metal. I make my stand yet am always on the fence with politics. What am I?
RE: The Hype is building; can you feel it?
@attackgorilla What do you think our job is as testers are? We are the stones that sharpen the tip of the spear. We are the glaze upon their cinnamon strudel!
RE: The Hype is building; can you feel it?
Woo, pre-alpha has come. Sooooooooonn.... phase 1.
RE: Intemization system
Think on that same entry where it talks about stats for nerds,there's a point chart that goes to 25 and has the relevant point costs to it.
RE: Suggestion: Utility Magic, Spellbook, Spell Scrolls
@eurav Touche. Would start to make the resting system useless. Tsk. I've not really thought heavily into the spell ok idea have i?
RE: Suggestion: Utility Magic, Spellbook, Spell Scrolls
@kellewic ah. Maybe it's me who didn't initially understand when I first read it. Thank you for quoting that, now that I've reread it, it looks like they are making somewhat close to what I figured.
Thank whatever diety is present... I guess my biggest thing I wanted was for having all my spells available for use outside of combat, for things like Skilling or hanging out with friends and just fool around.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
@zaptorx said in eXploited (#1 demon guild ):
Has half of Albion player made it here or what?
Wouldnt mind joining here, Shame you left AOYeah, I gotta ask here.. why is everyone fleeing AO in mass exodus? I've seen AO players poking around other titles and their forums too..
RE: The Hype is building; can you feel it?
@specter @chrightt Looks like you might want to ask the rest of the team where those keys are at Specter >.>
And the hype here.. is that you are going to be one of the first ones when you get your key to help shape a game.. whether good or bad will be up to you and the rest of us when we get in there.
RE: Suggestion: Utility Magic, Spellbook, Spell Scrolls
@kellewic Ah, I see why you're confused. When memorization comes into play, they mean the abilities and spells you have at the Hotbar. THOSE are your memorized spells. But what about spells you don't normally keep on your hotbar that are useful in situations that don't require combat? That's what I've been meaning with the spellbook proposition. Since you can't memorize every spell to use on the fly, the book would have the instructions and otherwise necessary components for you to use spells outside of the hotbar.
For example, say if you come across a wall of fog while traversing the mountains.. last thing you want to do is to go cliff diving. You have an air spell known, but its not on your hotbar to readily use since its not apart of your build... so you pull out your spellbook since you're not in combat and can read it to utilize the air spell and blow away the fog.
That's what I'm trying to get at. You would still have to rest to memorize the Hotbar's memorized abilities, its just when you have spells you want to use that otherwise don't fit in the present situation, it pays to have a spellbook on hand. AND, since I now realize having it as a UI with all your known spells on one interface would end up being grossly overpowered.. why not have it as a utlity item itself that keeps track of a handful of spells you want written, but at the cost of limited space, and increased cast time?