@tulukaruk You clearly haven't experienced that ingame xD.
Word travels only to the people who look and listen for it.
I have seen guildmasters, that made their members pay a "security fee" just for being int he biggest guild ever.
He kicked people that he deemed unworthy, just moments before his "secuirty squad" gangbanged them and stole all the stuff they should transport to another town, as the guild master stated that they want to change the guild bank area.
And i heard this story more often then it should happen.
Funny thing is. PEOPLE DONT READ FORUMS or anything that could inform them of this.
They see a big badass guild, promising stuff and shiny opurinitys.
Get hooked, reeled in and grilled alive.
Makeing this even easyer for these scammers, by 2/3 right of vote or full dictatorship ... seems productive. If you want to kill your server population. People playing already inform themself rarely about a game, but negative press will keep possible new newbies away...
Don't get me wrong. I am all for punishing misdeeds and voteing people out of town that are toxic little goblins.
But it should come with safety for the "innocent" not just with the stick of loseing all of your stuff, instantly ... which you worked weeks for. To build your little manor and set it up. Place a chest with spare equips of good quality and stuf flike that.