I wonder if people will be able to steal someones leather, while its being cured. Being marked as thief in the process ofc.

Best posts made by Gothix
RE: When is the alpha finishing?
RE: im a bit worried about full loot system in term of pvp
Gear will not be to hard to recreate. That is the point of Fractured MMO.
You can lose your gear yes, but if you do it's just the matter of using few resources to create new gear. Setback will only be a bit of time needed to get back to your craft station (or to storage if you have spare gear prepared) and then back to where you want to go.
RE: Becoming an angel
@Meiki That's not correct. Good characters can attack all flagged characters (murderers, thieves) at will. Not sure about unflagged evil characters, perhaps even them.
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
He is on vacation, let him rest a bit.
Post not going anywhere. -
RE: ETA on developer forum?
Dev forum could showcase materials they are preparing but not finished yet (work in progress).
Art, mechanics, other things that aren't shown live yet in current state.
RE: Mount Questions
@jozef said in Mount Questions:
I've never played a game with permanent mounts. How does that actually work? If you leave your mount somewhere, you have to walk back to it when you want to continue using it? When you visit a tavern, there are always half a dozen horses right in front of the entrance? Does every player need his own stables to stock his other mounts?
Yes, you always need to take your mount with you, and walk back to it when you leave it somewhere.
In BDO people usually left their mounts near main roads, where they wouldn't be attacked by animals, and then venture of to grind in nearby forest.
It was very immersive to see bunch of horses near the road on popular locations where many people went to harvest goods.
In BDO horses could be killed but this would negatively impact your karma if you did it, so it wasn't worth it. People were able to resurrect their horses, for a price. Public stables existed where you could leave your horse, but you needed to pick it up again when you wanted to go somewhere.
Mount was basically like part of you, you cared it to not die, and always had it with you.
RE: Becoming an angel
@Meiki the point is that Angels are certainly not restricted from having PvP. They will be able to have a lots of PvP, because there will be plenty of evil characters around. Also neutrals that killed someone or stole, and they can have PvP with all of them.
They are also not restricted from any form of PvE. So Angel gameplay isn't restricted in any way because they can't change to neutral. They can still do everything.
And if someone wishes to preform evil actions.... they will simply not play Angel.
You can't have everything on a single characters, to do several things you will need alts.
Evil characters are even more restricted then any other characters, due to not being able to even explore major part of Arboreus. An angel can still go everywhere, have full PvP and PvE.
Angel not being able to permanently stay on Arboreus (IF they will not), is not a restriction. It's just that part of people desire to have a cherry on top of the cake.
But even without a cherry, that cake will still be pretty good.
RE: NO tank mages
I personally extremely dislike rock paper scissors system. I much prefer where all classes are balanced and viable vs any other class.
Otherwise when you meet someone out in the wilds, even before battle starts you would already know who the winner will be. People would chase classes that they beat, and run away from their "anti classes". It's a very dull way to play.
No rock paper scissors system please.
PS: I was following Ashes of Creation with interest for a while, until i saw all the bad choices they were making, but the last drop was announcement of rock paper scissors system. When I saw they announced that, I left and never looked back.
RE: Requisite for casting magic
I can see devs implementing "small cooldown" on weapon switching, so players could just use keybinding to switch weapon all the time and cast everything in succession and hit the target as well.
Realistically, having certain spells "require certain weapon equipped" makes no sense if weapons can be switches in combat and without a CD.
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
@lovechildbell said in Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users:
@gothix But you're not limited to schools. Whats the problem with splashing other schools to counter another?
Physically you are not limited to a single school (or 2 schools), but efficiency wise you kinda are, because you will only really be effective in schools that fit in with attributes you have selected on start and that you can't change during game play.
This is why this thread was started in the first place, because INT stat seemed too beneficial compared to other stats (benefits beyond spell efficiencies with affiliated magic schools - learning / progression speed). This concern had me start this thread in the first place.
This thread is discussion thread, hoping to bring attention to possible issues that were mentioned, issues that could come out of one particular stat (namely INT here) bringing more benefits to a player then other stats, working in favor of players focusing on particular schools being favored over players focusing on other schools.
Hopefully you understand an issue now, and the point of this thread.
RE: Mount conundrum....
First, congratulations on your new mount!
There will be plenty of mounts obtainable in game, from both cash store and by simply playing, so you don't need to worry about this.
Also, I'm not 100% certain at the moment, but I think "foundation unlocked rewards" will be usable on all your characters.
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
@fibs said in Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users:
@gothix said in Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users:
I guarantee The Secret World is also a rock-paper-scissors game. If it wasn't, it would just be a big numbers game, which is hardly skill-based.
It was not. Whoever didn't play original secret world has effectively missed out on greatest MMO in history of gaming. And now it's shut down and gone forever because kids cried that it was too hard, and rather than bothering to get their skills up, they chosen to cry so that Funcom nerfs it. And secret world got shut down, and secret world Legends was born. Introducing nerfs across the whole game, and cash shop progression system.
This is our sad reality. 10 year old kids everywhere now, running across forums and crying (and many adults like wise), and no MMO is skill based anymore, or even if it starts like that, devs soon fall under pressure of kids crying on forums. Because money is king, and making games "instant gratification" products, brings in more players.
I'm sad you didn't get to try original TSW mate. You have no idea what you have missed out on.
RE: Communication between the worlds
@Farlander said in Communication between the worlds:
Having to type gets you killed lol.
With a little bit of awareness, you can choose when not to type.
For example when huge bear is looking at you and saying "grrrr"... -
RE: NPC Strength
Several categories of guards (I'll simplify to 3 groups):
- rookies, you can solo couple of them in same time
- average guards, balanced for 1 vs 1 with a player
- pro guards, couple of players are needed to bring only 1 such guard down
Those guards would be placed appropriately to importance of place they are guarding (are they only guards on entrance to the city, road patrols, or are they guarding governors halls, etc.).
Normal NPCs (vendors and such), non combat trained NPCs would generally be an easy kill, but if they are in city, there would be guards nearby to help them if they call for help. Perhaps some rare NPCs (weapon smith, class trainer, where it makes sense) would also have some skills, and could combat the player efficiently on their own.
Young NPCs should run faster then old NPCs when attacked.
RE: Is it worth buying alpha?
@Triggy if you buy Alpha access, girls will definitely like you more! 100% proven and works!
RE: This game is a potential PVE gold mine
@Needlehawk and this you will have.
Problem is that little part of entitled PvE players that always ask for more and more (one example is thread that asks for guards around the land to be OP so they crush players that engage in PvP). They get a whole PvE planet, and then they start asking to nerf PvP on Syndesia with playing in OP guards all around the place. If they get that, they will start asking for extra protections and turning PvP flag off on Syndesia, and if they get that they will start asking to nerf PvP on Tartaros because, hey they are PvE players and they are entitled to explore Tartaros without being disturbed.
It's players that don't care about others but only themself, and they will always ask for more and more, regardless of how much they already get. These are the players that I really dislike. They go from MMO to MMO, and constantly nag on forums until devs fall under their pressure and MMO after MMO gets ruined for PvP players. I'm not imagining this, this is a reality.
I hope devs here will not do the same mistake, and fall under pressure of that little part of vocal PvE players that ask for PvP nerf everywhere.
Current game design is amazing. Every type of player can have what he needs, PvE players have whole planet that is completely safe in most of its area, and majorly safe in rest of area. PvP players have a whole planet thats majorly FFA. And tactical / strategy players have a whole planet where they can affect current PvP rules, that they can change over time depending which guild is controlling which town and surrounding area.
Please people stop asking to change this. This is a great game design!
RE: When will shop items become available ?
Cash shop needs to be tested in game as well, so I'm sure at some point shop items will become usable for testing.
Question is only, when. -
RE: Demon Redemption
Question now is what happens when beast kin player drops below 0 and still above -2500?
He is still not abomination, however since he is not above 0 he can not chose good, so he is stuck on neutral I guess.
However it is written that beast kin can only chose good on Arboreus... so is beast kin player now banished from arboreus completely, or he can still travel to non safe zone as neutral humans can?
(I guess that would be the case, and in such scenario beast kin players can actually be neutral on Arboreus, but with travelling limitations same as neutral humans).
RE: Communication between the worlds
@Pwnstar said in Communication between the worlds:
@Gothix Friends help make a game be more attractive.
It was a joke, the part that friends don't matter.
The part that game will not fail if it's good, regardless of racial communication is valid though. People will still play it if it's good, they will just choose to play the same side if they want to play together.
But regardless of communication friends always choose same faction, so they can fight together, even if faction communication is possible (Example of Archeage).
RE: Limited/rare items?
@grofire said in Limited/rare items?:
@gothix why would you think im from the Vatikan ? with all that we heard from this last month from there, its pretty normal to lie there...
I guess I will not disagree with that.