Expansions aew most likely the way after this for FO to monetize, although cosmetics is an avenue for cashing in as well if they take it.

Posts made by GamerSeuss
RE: F2P Tutorial Model - Settings to reduce abuse
RE: Question about pvp-ers resetting there won system with alt character as sheriff
he would have to have a whole other account I believe. 2 Characters on the same account can't attack each other I believe
There is no repair mechanic in this game, and the Devs have said there definitely will not be one.
The Durability system is to keep crafting relevant, so you constantly need to be crafting or aquiring more. The durability will go up as you get better equipment
RE: F2P Tutorial Model - Settings to reduce abuse
Limited play IS a f2p option, and like I said generally goes into the microtransaction/pay2win model. I played OSRS extensively, and in fact it was my main game previous to Fractured, and much of OSRS is on a Free2play type model that relies on microtransactions to continually fund their MMO.
The major saving grace OSRS had was the ability to buy memberships with in-game gold via their AH, and of course the heavy focus on the Hardcore mode community.Fractured on the other hand is meant to be a pay once, play forever with no limitations game. Original backers are supposed to have access to the entire game, and nothing is supposed to be locked behind paywalls over and above the initial purchase. Even VIP is supposed to only give mostly cosmetic benefits.
as I said in my previous post, I do believe it was a conscious choice by the Devs, especially as I believe it used to be there during Alpha, and was removed if I remember correctly. I think it is something they will add as an achievement perk after so much KP percent is earned on a specific mob.
RE: F2P Tutorial Model - Settings to reduce abuse
The main problem with going Free2play with Fractured is it tends to lead such games into the realm of pay2win microtransactions, something the Developers have assured us this game will not do.
Even the VIP subscription system is supposed to be limited to mostly cosmetic or convenience benefits, but not actively pay2win.
not showing a name on mouseover for monsters is an intended mechanic I believe. This is so you are encouraged to attack and explore attacking all mobs. A compromise though would be once you reach a certain % of knowledge of a given mob, the nameplate showing up. Even if it waits until 100%
RE: Dedicated Slot for Consumables
it's been suggested and thoroughly shot down by the Devs on numerous occasions
RE: Moving house between worlds
houses are account bound, not by character, so the only way to have a different house is to buy a 2nd account.
RE: I can't carry out the foundation quests
foundation quests have been suspended for months. Nobody should be accumulating foundation points. They were turned off when Gamigo took over the website, and have as yet not been reinstated.
RE: Game Refund
if you purchased via Steam, you can request a refund as long as you've played less than 2 hrs.
Otherwise, you are backing an 'in-development' game and no refunds are due.
RE: Same name shouldnt be possible?
unique name reservation is a perk that came with some packs and was only just implemented this test, but you have to reserve your name if you have the perk on the website.
I know at least 1 other Tony the Tiger from as far back as Alpha so it may be taken too
RE: Access to developer forum
as others have mentioned elsewhere when this is brought up, access is not automated. You have to private message a moderator to request your access. It will never be automatically turned on and posting in the forums about it just goes unseen and thus unread and unresolved.
RE: Paying gold to craft in our own workshops is not enjoyable.
Crafting is meant to be possible for everyone, but it's supposed to take more effort for solos and smaller guilds.
That's the primary incentive to building your friends/town/guild up. Solos can do everything, but need to grind to keep up with others and they are more encouraged to specialize in just a couple crafts.
Gold is really fairly easy to farm and yhus quite plentiful, hence why the goldmines while crafting.
As to divine rewards, the lottery/sweepstakes feel is intended, with Grand Prizes like Orbs, and consolation prizes like gold.
RE: Trying to ctrl-drag split a stack from a smeltery to the inventory doesn't seem to work
Ctrl drag only works within the same container, not between containers
RE: When I want to add points to attributes it disconnects the server and does not add points
What points are you trying to add?
You only adjust attributes at character creation or respec
RE: Connecting to server infinitely - Anyone else have this problem?
also, check your firewall settings to make sure the firewall isn't blocking the full connection, but just isn't notifying you.
RE: Spell Channeling Weapons
@plasmashade nope
axe is not traditionally a cast weapon. even the light/hand axe isnt generally a finesse weapon
@Hoser The "perks" in game will Naturally be last added as all other in-game systems need to be stable first.
Forum access is already in, but there was a bit of a lull in Dev forum posting for awhile, AND as forums are a separate applet from the main website, access isn't automated. One must contact them and request your access. Same is true for forum titles
RE: Traveling to and from terra and crystal requirements
- going to a new area through like a Stargate, a player should right off the bat realize they may get stuck there for awhile.
- as they really want to limit travel between worlds, especially for newer players, the limited rare resource requirement is there for a purpose.
- The initial plan for the game not only included such limitations, but also penalties for characters when they weren't on their 'home-worlds' World travel is supposed to be a rarer, late game thing. The Devs offered some teleporting over to Terra only because there was a load imbalance with so many on Syndesia at launch compared to Arborea and it was a 'band-aid' kinda thing. You'll find if your still under New player protection, you can't even open the Stargate even if you find the crystals.