Give this man a pre alpha key.
Posts made by Dulu
RE: Racial Diversity of Fractured Visualized
RE: Why is the Kickstarter (almost) failing.
There simply isn't enough gameplay footage, nor is there a clear message on who they are catering too.
In one interview, they will talk about Demons being free-for-all PvP, and in the next interview, they talk about safe-zones, even for Demons... which makes quite a few of us scratch our head.
Don't try to pander to everyone. Explain clearly who you are marketing to, and show us more footage.
The money will pour in.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
Multiple servers will make this game dead on arrival. No one wants multiple servers. What is this, 2004?
RE: Which race do you currently believe your MAIN CHARACTER will be?
@sparky said in Which race do you currently believe your MAIN CHARACTER will be?:
@dulu As far as I know, humans can't become demons but they can act like them in a way.
I want to be a human on the Demon "faction".
If Demons can become Beastmen, and Beastmen can become Demons, why can't humans "Ascend"?
RE: Which race do you currently believe your MAIN CHARACTER will be?
What do we call humans who want to become Demons?
RE: please go in and vote to help spread the word
Kind of sad this community can only get 12 people to vote. Most of which are from my guild.
Tighten up, stop being lazy.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
@sparky eXploited leads from the front! First in, last out!
RE: Firendly fire?
The faction system shouldn't impact combat mechanics at all.
Either have friendly fire, or don't.
Having one side with friendly fire, and one without is beyond idiotic, even on paper. In practice it will be a mess.
Preferably, turn friendly fire on for everyone. If you shoot your friend in the back by accident (or on purpose), you SHOULD take a hit to your karma. Aim better, scrub.
RE: Why MMO if you like to Solo?
@gothix said in Why MMO if you like to Solo?:
Group play doesn't (and shouldn't) be about grouping with randoms.
It should be about finding a nice like minded people, that share your play style and virtues, and then making a guild with them. This way you don't depend on "randoms", but rather group up with trusted people, that you know you like, for various adventures.
I agree. I feel like the best way to do this, is to create challenging content. Even in leveling, but particularly in leveling dungeons. Make it so that people should look for help. It creates a natural "I need you" environment which is missing from modern MMO's.
You can be an ass to people in modern MMO's, because you can just replace them, or more likely - requeu and never see them again.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
Are there any screenshots from when Digit, Crozz, Ace, Jim and I were all in the top kill fame?
RE: Why MMO if you like to Solo?
The allure of griefing and PvP.
Playing with others is a means to an end.
I like Sparky though. He's my guy.
RE: Evolution of "The Kill" in MMO PvP
#1 That Rogue isn't naked. He's using a technique called "Reskinning", which has been around forever. Making a character model on your end LOOK different. Enemies still see him in his gear, but on his screen he can look however he wants. You can look at his hotbar, and still see he has his gear on, and his buff bar to see he has trinkets and other procs from weapons.
#2 None of the victims in these awful videos are stunlocked. They are just simply very bad. Take note of the mage who is inflicted with two bleed effects, garrotte and rupture (lol?), and he apparently tries to chase the rogue in near melee range, as he bleeds to death. He doesn't ice-block, he doesn't run away... he just panics and runs like a chicken with his head cut off and bleeds to death. This is a perfect example of why these "Casual" videos can't be used to demonstrate anything balance related. Your average player is complete gutter trash at PvP.
#3 Every class in WoW has a counter to stun. Or at least a survival cooldown. Classic Rogues were opportunistic predators. Crying about stunlock in 2018 is pathetic, and shows an unwillingness to learn how to PvP.
#4 Those videos piss me off for the single fact there isn't one Druid in Ironforge? Not a single level 44+ who can instant cast Fairy Fire on the Rogue? (Un-resistable by the way) He'd die to guards from a single instant cast. Trash Alliance. But no, it's much easier to cry.
RE: Evolution of "The Kill" in MMO PvP
@evolgrinz said in Evolution of "The Kill" in MMO PvP:
What I hate the most is the so called stunlock, where you just get stunned by a wave of certain skills by 1 or multiple people and you can't do anything.
Solution could be to get a stun immunity for a short time after the 1st stun wears off. So then you actually still have a chance to fight back.@fibs said in Evolution of "The Kill" in MMO PvP:
Sure would be nice if more mmos were based on actual skill and not merely on spamming lucky hits until your stun proc'd so you could do your memorized 0 to kill skill order!
Blade & Soul is the only MMO I've ever played where I liked PVP in it. The arena PVP felt just like a fighting game. Sure it had some of the boring traits of other fighting games like "once this combo starts you literally cannot escape it so its basically one long waste of time move" but until one of those starts it actually feels responsive and not just like watching ants put buckets on their heads and slam into each other.
I hate to be rude, but it sounds like neither of you have played an MMO or a MOBA at a very high level.
"Stunlock" only exists in the mind. It's not a real thing, and never has been. People who complained about this in World of Warcraft were casuals, who never wanted to change their gear or build, or playstyle in order to adapt. If you're not willing to adapt, and look for counters, you're always going to get abused by people who are willing to do whatever it takes to win.
Evolution of "The Kill" in MMO PvP
In classic Everquest, it was a matter of spamming dispel/pummice, to strip buffs, while funneling DPS into a single target.
In World of Warcraft, it was a combination of interrupting and using hard crowd control such as polymorph and fear on healers, while focusing DPS into another target, to land a kill.
Modern MOBA games use a combination of the above WoW-style PvP, with displacement mechanics and "ultimate" synergy, also known as the "Wombo combo" (using multiple ults together to win a team-fight)
What's the perfect balance? What kind of kill threshholds do we want to see in Fractured? What sort of play should land a kill?
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
Damn I wish we still had some of the A-team in all of that 8.X gear getting ready for GvG...
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
That's a small group shot... surely we have some bigger ones?`
RE: Poll to assess the percent of players per race
I think a lot of people may like Demons because of aesthetic reasons, but if it's really a FFA PvP faction... they will find out quickly they aren't about that life, and will reroll to human or quit the game.
When creating characters, developers you need to put something in the game that absolutely stresses that demons are a FFA PvP faction and are not intended for the weak at heart.
RE: eXploited (#1 demon guild )
RIP Blackbulls, first victims of exploited.
Pour some out for all seven of them.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but there is no way they are meeting 100k euros at this rate.
90 percent of KS donations come in the first 2 days, and the last 2 days.
The math just isn't there.
They need to do something radical.
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
@Prometheus Honestly, I've been waiting for a game like this since Albion Online flopped.
I'm very excited for a game that gives players FREEDOM. Freedom to be evil, to be good, to steal, to adventure... I want to go "Off the tracks", so to say. I don't want to ride the carousel.
Now.. I'm tight with my money. I don't want to give it away easily.
Two things worry me:
#1 - The handling of the Black Bull/Finland situation, and an obvious cheater/admitted hacker not being dealt with swiftly. It's not even him or his guild per se, but the fact that someone can admit to hacking, and cheating a system, and not instantly be dealt with is unforgiveable. These games don't survive when people are allowed to hack. Banning him and his guild should have been your immediate instinct, and the fact that it's not makes me very hesitant to trust the company with my money. It's the reason I can't really play modern Everquest right now, because the developers have decided that the money they earn from the percentage of botters/cheaters outweighs the people who are bothered (disgusted) by the botters/cheaters. (Basically, more people are botting/cheating, than are actually bothered by the botters/cheaters enough to quit) Overwatch (Blizzard) has taken the exact opposite approach, and bans EVERYONE they suspect of hacking, and sorts the details out at a later date. This keeps the integrity of their game, which is very important.
To put this in a better context, Blizzard is still launching lawsuits and administering ban waves in Diablo 2. Diablo 2 released June 29th, 2000. (Happy birthday D2!)
#2 - I haven't seen enough concrete details about PvP. I want to know more. I'm a PvP player, seduce me with what your offering. I already think I like it, but I want more.