@dokuwan said in Hello bois few questions:
I know that stuff. I plan to probably solo play demon planet. What i meant was how hard it is for example compared to soloing black zones in albion which is equivalent to demon planet in fractured, free for all pvp no rules. Basically how much there is skill involved in combat compared to just numbers.
Fractured is a lot more based on skill, because gear will be more or less equal for everyone. There will be no OP gear, due to player progression not being based on gear but on knowledge (horizontal progression).
So: skill > gear
Numbers wise, since gear is not a factor, Prometheus said that if you have stronger skill than others, you will probably be able to kill 2-3 players solo.
So although you CAN out skill players and stand decently on your own, you will not be able to solo an entire full party. This is not MMO where you can get OP gear, then use your skills to become a god.
Gear will be customizable and situational, it will not grow in power as you customize it, it will only get more fitting for different situations (fire damage instead of water damage, nature resistance instead of frost resistance, etc).
And you can't know what players you will engage in advance (what builds) so you can't just put on fitting gear, use your skills and rule. Occasionally it might happen, that you engage a group of lesser skilled fire mages, and you have fire resistance gear AND better skill, and you own 8 of them... but this will happen so rarely.
In most scenarios, numbers will rule.
So: group size (factoring in team organisation / quality of team leadership) > personal player skills > gear