As i've understood devs are saying that neither equipment nor knowledge points directly increase power but increases options. But more options ofc increases power when u can find the "perfect combo" easier. So if amount of spells and their level matter more than equipment, then vip sub fee is more pay2win than buying sub tokens with irl cash and selling them for in game currency to buy more equipment. Also more knowledge points means u can get higher levels of the spells faster which directly increase power. And u don't lose spells like u lose equipment when u die. So pay2win with amount of spells and their level is a permanent power boost while pay2win with equipment is only temporary since they can be looted.

Best posts made by Dokuwan
RE: About the VIP membership
RE: About the VIP membership
From a perspective of a mostly solo player who doesn't care much about "hardcore" top end guild wars and stuff. I think VIP is much more beneficial than endless amount of currency, just like in Albion Online. Endless amount of in game currency only really matters to the few top guilds in the game fighting for dominance. Also make no mistake, all this sweet talk about VIP not being pay2win is most likely not going to be true. Devs will need an influx of cash just like you said and most people aren't going to pay for just cosmetics.
I remember Valve saying only 3% of people ever use money in Dota2 because it's 0 pay2win and only cosmetics. And that 3% is not going to be enough for what i suspect will be small playerbase game like Fractured. They are going to (most likely) pump up the benefits of VIP as long as it takes so majority of the playerbase will buy it, like we have seen every game do with similiar business model since beginning of time. That being said from "Solo/Small scale group players" perspective VIP is already more important than endless amounts of in game currency. And it will probably get even more important in the future.
Also i don't get why most people don't see VIP system pay2win or how it doesn't give "significant" advantages. I see it as massive pay2win and giving very significant advantages in it's current state already. Knowledge point boost and additional study slots are basically same thing as increased fame gain in Albion Online. And in Albion VIP is pretty much mandatory. Devs need to make it mandatory in order to get money and not go bankrupt. Imagine if VIP in Fractured didn't give any pay2win and only cosmetics like Dota2 and only 3% of playerbase would use money like in Dota2. Fractured will probably have playerbase like 10k-100k. And if 3% of those use 10€/month, That's 3000-30000€ a month for them. That's like 1 guys salary.