While I occasionally visit FFXIV, LotRO (They released Mordor recently), and Dark and Light, I regretably haven't found much interest or clocked much time in any of the 3. (FFXIV and LotRO for the PvE and occasionally watching RP's, Dark and Light for general gameplay.) I hope to change that when I find a worthy MMO.

Posts made by Cysan
RE: What game(s) are you playing at the moment?
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
I guess I'm more of a PvE player. Not the traditional questing/story type, but more of the antiquated Dungeon-Delving/Raid Crew type.
Why? Well because done right, there is so much built in camaraderie that comes from a PvE group, and it can quite often be very relaxed. Some groups are also very efficient in their PvE and make it quite the informative experience, while other groups get very drunk and have a lot of fun doing PvE.
That's not to say I'm against PvP, I've had some decent PvP on several occasions. but its never appealed to me in quite the same way as a late night raid with a bunch of alcoholics.
RE: I brought the cookies(and the beer).
I have faith in this MMO, much more than I did with RoI. I've shared in your disappointment, but I know that sooner or later one of these MMORPGs is going to get it right. So here's to being here with me for that, perhaps.
RE: I brought the cookies(and the beer).
@garlic said in I brought the cookies(and the beer).:
Welcome! I agree with what you've said. I've been playing mmorpgs for years now, but have slowed down on the gameplay. This game appealed to me, so I've been sticking around.
Well be sure to grab a cookie and a beer while we wait, at least I know I won't be the only one sticking around.
Glad to have you with me in that,
RE: I brought the cookies(and the beer).
@chrightt said in I brought the cookies(and the beer).:
Indeed, it seems like games are starting to move back towards the subscription based market or buy to play too.
Speaking frankly, if a game is done right I wouldn't mind a sub or a buy to play. Its better than having to dish out $200 in microtransactions just to even play the game beyond the tutorial zone. (And not be pummeled out of existence by hordes of P2W players who are throwing thousands.) While it may not be ideal, it certainly beats the alternative which has become so prevalent.
RE: I brought the cookies(and the beer).
@vahn said in I brought the cookies(and the beer).:
Cookies and beer are both things I like. You know how to make an introduction. Welcome to Fractured!
We share the same tastes in food. I can tell we'll make great friends. Or mortal enemies. Or both. Thanks for having me!~C.
RE: I brought the cookies(and the beer).
@outlawhero said in I brought the cookies(and the beer).:
The developers promise a completely new and unique project, so that all your past experience does not matter.
Probably you've already made sure that the community is a crowd of bots who have 2 words in their vocabulary - hi and hello. I'm sorry, how could I forget, still welcome. I hope everything will change with the release of the game
Oh, here's the cookie, thanks.
And welcomeI did notice that, but I don't use it as a gauge this early on. Now if we get close to release and they're still overabundant, that's when I may start to have concerns.
RE: I brought the cookies(and the beer).
@lohen said in I brought the cookies(and the beer).:
@frost yeah
currently im testing riders of icarus, has some nice ideas but somehow boringOh God. One reason I think its so darn boring is the lake of scenery/exploration. I played through until 6 months after opening. Yeah, its fairly open, but its sparse. Not much happening. The dungeons were ok, the PvP was meh. But it felt very grindy and I never saw mention of a Roleplayer whilst I was there (Which would've been a nice distraction from the grinding and PvE I was doing. Lord knows that their kind know how to make a community.)
RE: Will there be Roleplay?
@Prometheus A word of caution, Prometheus. Arboreus may be popular amongst certain roleplayer sects, but I'll wager a drink MANY Roleplayers will flock to Syndesia, partially because it is the home of the human race, partially because of the spoiler as to the Steampunk element, and partially because it is the middle ground between the three planets.
While I may not be partaking in the roleplay myself, I have seen enough roleplay to venture a guess as to the whims and desires of Roleplayers, though I am not all-knowing/all-seeing and I have been proven wrong before. Nevertheless, Syndesia should be expected to be a hotspot for Roleplay.
And now a spoiler for you, I brought this up to some Roleplayers I know from other communities while showing them. If their interest remains come next year, you will have at least one Roleplay group on Tartaros. Demons are a draw for many antagonist-inclined Roleplayers.
I will continue to bring news of fractured to those I know.
Can't wait to hear more,
RE: Artifacts and Technology
Intuitive question @BillyWaterlow ! This has shed some insight on something I was interested in as well, and the answers have been quite intriguing! I look forward to hearing more on the subject, and I look forward to speaking with you more!
RE: Our journey begins today, with you
@Prometheus You have my attention in earnest with this game. Take your time and make this game the best idealistic version your team has in mind for it. So many games these days are rushed into launch with plenty of problems or exploitable features.
But more than that, don't always listen to your community. Yes, people do bring up great points now and again; but don't cater to every player who whines about a feature.
In the meantime, I'll see if I can't find quality players to get behind this game.
RE: Iron Dynasty [Merchant Guild]
Sounds very interesting, I love the ranking system. I'll have to keep an eye on this.
RE: Anime
Impossible Question. One Does Not Simply Choose a 'Best Anime Ever'.
I'm not a particularly avid watcher of Anime, but I've had several lady friends who were. I'd say two that I enjoyed watching with them were Darker than Black and Fate/Unlimited Blade Works.
RE: Paths of Magic
@prometheus This certainly has my attention! I'll keep my eyes peeled for more devblogs on the subject.
RE: Knights of Alexandria
sounds interesting. I'll have to keep an eye on this.
RE: hi everyone
So do I. But I want to play it in its completed, Idealistic form. Not just as a concept. Give them time to code it and patch the bugs, get every little thing in order. Then you and I can play it and go visit one of those open world dungeons, bring home the bacon.
RE: Will there be Raiding/PvE?
Fascinating. Thanks for the info Vengu!
I brought the cookies(and the beer).
Hey folks. I'm a fairly old MMORPG player, and I've done my fair share of PvE/PvP across multiple games. In other words, I'm very opinionated. Lately, though, I've been finding more and more MMORPGS lack the appeal of older ones. They're either falling into the P2W trap, overrun with salty Tweens trying to compare the lengths of their egos, or they don't have the same charm.
So Imagine my surprise when I found this little wonder in creation. I'll likely be sticking around; at least until I can gauge whether its going to be a game with a half-decent community to go with its gameplay or if its time to pack up and skip town.
In the meantime, I brought a couple six packs, some lemonade for the young'uns an a couple platters of cookies. Help yourself.
Will there be Raiding/PvE?
It may be a bit old, but I've always loved the sense of camaraderie and satisfaction of getting a big group of people together to tackle a dark dungeon and come back into town with our pockets lined with gold. What will the PvE be like here, if any?
Also, how do you intend to model it?
Finally, will PvE players on Tartaros or the Human World have to risk going back to town with the loot, opening the door for other players to kill the raid group and take the loot?
Will there be Roleplay?
I guess what I mean to ask is, will this game be Roleplayer-Friendly? Open Bars and unique landscapes? Assuming you're not a Demon on Tartaros (Roleplayers in the middle of a PvP atmosphere have a Deathwish and shouldn't complain when they get crashed.) It'd be interesting to see Roleplayers Running around making their stories in human settlements and whatnot.
Always held an interest in looking at what stories Roleplayers will create despite not being a Roleplayer myself.