Hello and Welcome!

Best posts made by CrzyHlfAzn
Latest posts made by CrzyHlfAzn
RE: Weekly Drawings - Be Active & Win Foundation Points!
I really like how this foundation system works. It gives great ways to get people to contribute/talk about the game and it is very rewarding.
RE: Hello :D
Hello, I too love Games and Anime. Also love Manga. Yes, this game is very interesting and can not wait to get into it.
RE: B2P or F2P?
I prefer B2P, but F2P can work as long it is implemented correctly.
RE: What's your playstyle?
I have always been more of a Hybrid type person. I tend to lean towards Tanking or Healing, but prefer Healing the most. I like to play Melee Healers, idk why, just like the idea of standing in the frontlines beating up the enemy and also able to keep myself sustain by using my own heals.
I have always tried to look for a class that can self heal via its weapon attacks but also self heal from its own mana/mp source.
Old MMOer, saying hello to everyone!
Hello everyone, really interesting at this MMO.
Been playing MMOs since 1999 with EQ being my 1st love. Since then have ventured into many MMOs from Western and Eastern markets. In the old days I have played with the name of Valhun Sylverwulf or just Valhun, DrSinister and nowadays been going by as CrzyHlfAzn and variants of that.