@jetah said in Fog of War:
that sounds like the map not the view area around the character. i was thinking more in terms to RTS that have fog of war. you can see clearly within your los but outside you can't.
I do not believe so. If this game is an isometric MMORPG, I highly doubt there will be a fog of war because it would probably tick off at least 25% of the people playing it. Needless for a MMORPG as it simply complicates the game for all the wrong reasons. Enhances stuff like assassin classes (I know there are no classes, but lets just say someone who built their character for an assassination archetype. This doesn't exist in a RTS game mode in the sense that if you die it means you lose the whole match, not a single character) Hence, fog of wars add strategy and depth to RTS, but only adds annoyance and unfairness to a RPG.