@Zori It is true, and constantly replacing an object involves a series of actions that are repeated and shape the so-called Grinding, but this is not always the case.
To cite an example, in the face of the recurrent loss of a common armor made of leather.
Some options would be:
A) I like collecting resources and crafting? I'm going to hunt animals to skin them, I do the leather treatment and make the new armor.
B) I am good in business and I prefer to spend gold and not my time? I pay a craftsman for the materials and manufacture of the new armor.
C) Am I good at defeating other players? My chests are full of trophies therefore I go and take a new armor from there.
Different paths (mechanics) for the same objective.
Players "A, B, C" are going to repeat the same actions over and over again, but they are going to do it in a pleasant way, they like what they do, "Grind" is not perceived.
Now what if the game's design stated that the only way to acquire a new leather armor is through resource gathering and crafting?
Player "A": I love this game, I can do what I like and get what I need, I will make positive contributions in the forum, I will recommend it to my friends and we will play it forever!
Player ¨B¨ and ¨C¨: OMG! ... FFFF !! I can't take it anymore, I hate collecting resources and crafting, boredom is killing me, I can't use my time on what really matters to me .... What are developers thinking about when they do something like that ??? This game has no future, I am going to eliminate all my characters, I am going to give away all my things and I am not going to return again !!!! (The player keeps his promise ... soon he feels nostalgic and returns and the cycle of hate resumes ...)
This is what happens when certain targets are placed exclusively behind a single game mechanic.
The segregation and exclusion that occurs with these mechanics can be positive for an environment that seeks to establish hierarchies or elite groups
The barriers that are imposed in this way are only broken down by those who have the perseverance and the necessary capacities to achieve the goal , no matter how tedious, boring or frustrating it may be
Competition and desires for belonging enter the scene ...