Thank you!
Hopefully it will at least generate curiosity so that whoever sees it will come to the official site and join the community.
Thank you!
Hopefully it will at least generate curiosity so that whoever sees it will come to the official site and join the community.
Hi Prometheus!
Thank you for clarifying doubts and bringing hopeful news, I am glad that everything goes well.
It is great to know that the team are going to be generating new content soon to promote the game making it more visible in the community, very good news .
Congratulations to the entire team for this ambitious project and my best wishes for Fractured and Dynamight to earn the place in the market that they certainly deserve.
With the intention of helping to spread Fracture among the gaming community, I made a video on YouTube, collecting different videos and official images and unifying them to demonstrate in a compact way everything it has to offer.
I hope you enjoy it!
Hello Nekrage!
Your effort to bring this project to the gaming community is very helpful.
I have been playing video games for many years and for a long time I was looking for something new and that really caught my attention.
In the search I found one of your videos and I found out about Fractured.
I started looking for information and I really liked what I found, that's why I decided to buy a founder pack (by the way, I use the promotional code associated with your video ) and I hope to see the evolution of the game in the near future to decide if I upgrade it.
I understand that many are concerned that developers spend time on advertising, marketing, and interaction on social media or the web, but there is a balance between development and advertising.
There's no use in a well-polished and finished game that nobody knows about and which no longer has the funds to support itself.
At the moment the only source of quick income is the community and to attract them and decide to invest, it is necessary to show them insistently all the potential that Fractured has and that this potential is an imminent and palpable reality.
The other option is for Dynamight to attract private investors that provide them with a good flow of money, but that also depends on the perception and the Hype that the project creates in the community, which translates into the ability of these investors to recover their investment and earnings in a short period.
My participation in the Fractured foundation is recent, therefore, to evaluate its evolution and current state, I had to resort to the available information.
If there is any discrepancy, do not hesitate to let me know in order to have a real current panorama of the state of the foundation system and the game.
Taking into account the information that I was able to collect, I construct the following graph that tries to reflect the evolution of the foundation system from the start of the kickstarter campaign to the present day.
For this, I rely on the information on the kickstarter page, the official announcements of Dynamight on this website (News) and the data reflected in the Fractured Store.
The Kickstarter campaign began on 06/25/2018 with an announcement by Dynamight on 06/26/2018 reflecting an initial collection of 30% of the total target set (€ 100,000).
At the end of the campaign on the Kickstarter page a collection of € 111662 is reported by 1050 patrons while in a Dynamight announcement on 07/26/2018 a collection of € 130,000 is reported. Perhaps this discrepancy has to do with some type of private investment outside the Kickstarter system since at one time the participation of investors was mentioned.
At the time of my arrival to the project, the Kickstarter campaign was already finished and in its place I found the Fractured Store which reported a total of € 385,999 as of 06/01/2020 and which slowly shows growth in the interval of 2 consecutive days of about € 400 approximately.
I do not know if the Fractured Store contemplates the amount raised in the initial campaign or if it is a total raised independently.
Taking these values into account, the time elapsed since the start of the project (which requires constant financing) and what is missing ahead (based on the Alpha state of the game and the improvements it shows it needs) would be good to have information on the part of the developers that transmits security regarding the future investment capacity to achieve the proposed goals.
On the other hand, the lack of press and Marketing in the media regarding the game is notorious. In this regard it is understandable since AAA companies generally tend to invest approximately the same amount of money invested throughout development in massive advertising campaigns, which is something unthinkable for a project of this nature.
In this regard, I think that most of the task falls on the community.
I sincerely hope that the funds raised by Dynamight will enable them to keep this project alive and can launch it as soon as possible.
The further the date is in order to see the project materialized, the less likely it is to retain the interest of the people who are approaching and that combined with a great lack of publicity and press can be fatal.
Update 06/06/2020:
Let us begin!
Account registration, client download and start, character creation and tutorial: Ok.
Environment Difficulty vs. New Character:
I found that for a new character it is very difficult to advance through the areas closest to the starting point. The availability of equipment and skills is not balanced with respect to the NPCs present in the surroundings (I know, it's an alpha test, but this can't happen during the official launch).
Combat Mechanics:
In this aspect the game needs many improvements. As it is a game with isometric view and movement by click, it is impossible to face more than 1 enemy efficiently. The speed of movement and response of the enemies is exaggerated and does not allow strategic combat, especially considering that it is impossible to execute many of the skills without facing the target, making it impossible to kite and attack them simultaneously, especially for ranged characters very vulnerable to melee. This added to the knowledge system and the lack of initial basic control skills makes solo advancing a nightmare.
It is impossible to kiting a melee enemy in a closed area without constantly receiving physical damage, and expanding the kiting area becomes a hell since the aggro generation distance is huge and this leads to having a multitude of enemies chasing you to exhaustion.
The game does not have any evasion or initial dodge skills, therefore it is essential to control the aforementioned aspects regarding enemy mobility and aggro generation range. It is necessary to reduce the aggro area since nowadays it is common to find enemies attracted to attack without being seen on screen. It would also be nice to incorporate a red color effect in the corners of the screen as you approach a nearby enemy to warn.
There are also other problems, interferences during the combat of objects with which you can interact (resources, corpses with loot, etc) which, taken by the hand with the click to move, make everything inefficient. It is necessary to implement the cancellation of the interaction with the environment during the combat and make the tops of the trees translucent in order to see the terrain.
Another topic is terrain relief and field of vision, AFK enemies while being attacked from an elevated area, attacks that do not reach their destination, etc.
The game has a relatively stable fps and latency value, but it is not credible when small interruptions in the image flow are noticed during the continuous movement of the character. On the other hand, the response to changes in direction are not always smooth and if the click to move zone is very close to the character, it will get stuck and will not advance.
This type of delays or obstacles in the flow are also noted during the construction processes of the house in which the orders (pick up material, add it, build, etc.) are not always carried out directly and requires a second action for it to complete.
Its presence and distribution requires a substantial improvement. From deserted areas to crowded congregations in small areas. Also the combination of degrees of difficulty needs to be revised to achieve a correct distribution of groups of enemies of low, medium and high difficulty in a consistent way.
Going from an area with the absolute presence of simple enemies to being 2 steps from an area plagued by much stronger enemies is not optimal, it would be good to have a difficulty gradient that warns the player of what type of area he is entering. The random presence of a powerful enemy is also acceptable, but coming from kill rabbits and suddenly meeting a pack of 4 wolves, a goblin archer and 2 warrior is not a pleasant thing.
The AI of the NPCs needs some improvements, the vast majority have a very basic way of proceeding, detect aggro and run direct to the player's neck, except for those range type, the rest would seem to have a magnet that propels them straight towards our character and without breaks.
Perhaps the incorporation to these characters of some strategic zone/area attacks or movements that give the chance to perform strategic evasion and allow a melee pause in the combat. As a mage, my experience was to be running all the time with a pack of wolfs biting my backs without pause and spamming heals to survive.
Finally, it is necessary to incorporate the option of automatic unidirectional movement guided by clicks for changes of course. The distances to be traveled in an open and constantly exposed world make the traditional system of any isometric game unfeasible in Fractured.
If this is not corrected, many people will be discouraged from playing due to the wear and tear produced in the player's hand. If devs do not correct this, I fear that the number of users that the game can get is gonna be less than expected.
My wish is that this never happens, but it would be worse if the project cannot move forward and close its doors. Of course, the ideal in the event that it happens would be that the game maintains its essence and everything that made it something desired by those of us who are here.
I think the best thing that could happen now for the developers (and us) is to get a new partner who can finance them to increase their human and technological capital but without taking away the control and the ability to decide on the direction of the project.
The most recommended partner in this regard is the community itself. The problem is that nowadays consumers have been deceived on repeated occasions and are increasingly reluctant to invest in this type of project.
P.D.: Sorry if my writing is wrong, my language is Spanish.
Hola, después de una breve participación en el juego y teniendo en cuenta su estado Alfa actual quisiera darles mi opinión inicial.
Respecto al genero del juego debo decir que es uno de mis preferidos, en este tipo de juegos siempre busco una buena historia, una atmósfera que atrape, preferentemente oscura o lúgubre y por supuesto un sistema de progresión de personaje complejo y lleno de opciones que permitan la creación de algo personalizado, que cuente con gran versatilidad, fluidez y siempre de la mano de una fuerte presencia de Rol.
Dicho esto paso a comentar.
Entiendo que el juego se encuentra en sus primeras etapas y que falta mucho camino por recorrer hasta poder ver todas sus capacidades en funcionamiento, pero hay ciertas cosas que me preocupan.
No logre sentir esa sensación de inmersión que buscaba, desde la creación del personaje hasta la exploración avanzada por el mapa del juego siento que falto algo fundamental para mantenerme inmerso. La música, la ambientación, los efectos de sonido, no lograron generar algo especial en mis primeras impresiones.
Ausencia de una introducción al mundo de juego que marque el Rol de nuestro personaje, sus orígenes, de donde viene, a donde va, que busca, nada, simplemente aparece en la zona elegida y listo, a comenzar.
Interacción con NPC´s y diálogos que involucren toma de decisiones y aspectos de Rol nulos. Por lo menos desde mi experiencia fue algo inexistente.
La fluidez del movimiento del personaje y sus acciones en combate me resultaron muy poco pulidas, falta de respuesta y fluidez. En este aspecto también se suma el problema del terreno, se nota que hay muchas zonas del mapa por las cuales es imposible pasar cuando a simple vista debería ser posible ya que no hay obstáculos o desniveles del terreno que justifiquen dicha imposibilidad. Esto da la impresión de que el mundo abierto en realidad no es tan abierto y que solo determinadas rutas fueron marcadas para ser transitadas.
Si bien esto es algo común en los juegos predecesores con vista Isométrica no debería ser una limitación para un producto que se ofrece como la novedad que intenta fusionar un ARPG con un MMO de mundo abierto en un entorno ¨Sandbox¨.
También me resulto incomodo ser detectado y atacado por NPC´s que ni siquiera podían ser vistos en pantalla haciendo que mi personaje se encontrara en situaciones claramente complicadas, muchas de ellas resueltas simplemente corriendo y rezando para que no se sumaran mas NPC´s a la persecución y en otras ocasiones simplemente quedando incapacitado por el exceso de habilidades de control recibidas por los agresores.
Desproporción en la distribución de los NPC´s. Zonas totalmente deshabitadas y otras llenas al punto de resultar imposible poder realizar un combate estratégico ya que cualquier movimiento de desplazamiento termina arrastrando una cantidad de enemigos imposible de manejar.
Falta de balance en la dificultad de los diferentes NPC´s de una misma zona. Unos caen como moscas y otros que los acompañan son imposibles en solitario.
Errores de visibilidad durante el combate haciendo que un enemigo posicionado en frente de mi personaje y a distancia cuerpo a cuerpo no pudiera atacarlo recibiendo la leyenda ¨fuera de vista¨.
Un sistema de crafting relativamente sencillo el cual no requiere ningún tipo de progresión o recetas para poder crear algo, simplemente conseguir los materiales, acceder a una estación de trabajo y hacer lo necesario. Esto le quita la sensación de gratificación que generan las artesanías en aquellos que buscan especializarse y lo logran con dedicación.
Por último un sistema de progresión poco gratificante ya que las habilidades conseguidas dependen de el tipo de NPC que uno logra derrotar y no de el uso progresivo de las mismas dependiendo un camino elegido y esto es así debido a lo ya mencionado anteriormente, NPC´s muy poco balanceados en cuanto a poder y distribución en los mapas, problemas de selección de objetivo durante el combate, problemas de terreno y densidad de enemigos y falta de respuesta y fluidez del personaje.
Nuevamente aclaro que se que esto se trata de un estado Alfa, pero en vista de todos los inconvenientes presentados, por lo menos en mi caso particular me genera muchas dudas en relación a cuantos de estos problemas podrán ser efectivamente resueltos al día de su lanzamiento oficial.
Mis deseos son positivos y espero que lo logren, hace falta un juego que combine lo bueno de las diferentes generaciones y se convierta en un éxito.
Hola, me presento ante la comunidad Alfa. Por esas cosas de la vida navegando entre contenidos del género encontré este juego y decidí pasar a ver que tanto potencial tiene al día de la fecha.
Ya pude descargarlo y lo jugué durante un tiempo como para tener una opinión inicial, pero eso sera tema de otro hilo en el foro general.