first of all - WHY?????
second of all you are breaking the law of trinity. im totaly aganst it. plz no

Best posts made by boogis
RE: 4th planet of angelics: harsh PVE, banned PVP.
RE: Unity has blocked SpatialOS - What's up and what it means for us
we are source of our problems ))))
RE: Soloing Housing needs more amenities!
Meziljin TF#2 - MESSENGER
true, i noticed yesterday cities full of farm inside, that's weird. City can farm while i cannot have even a little garden in my house lolboogisboogis CONTENT CREATOR
@Meziljin agree. it should be opposite. farmlands outside of city should support the city with food. private houses should have a choice what they want to do, maybe they want it to be a farm or a smelter or bakory or little alchemy shop or taloring or skinning shop. and it will be like a little buisness. traders and merchants will be traveling to you with wagons and buy off you all your goods and deliver them to the city. its important that you cannot make like both bakery and farm cos this way you dont need a city, right? cos you will be selling them already ready bread, but that what city supposed to do. But from another hand is impoertant to give single players to have their own little buisness and trade with guilds/cities.thats how i see it.
RE: Lich Transformation unlocked!
@xionmuteki said in Lich Transformation unlocked!:
I'm glad that the human has an evolution option, but what if I don't wanna be undead...?
yeah thats well said.
demons can become good,
beastmen can become bad,
but humans becomes undead,
what the hell, dad?
am i good am i bad? im undead!!!
its quite sad...
can you please add,
something not that bad
that doesnt make me mad,
something thats make me glad.
i hope i was understood
i hope im not too cadsome RAP poetry from boogis ))))
City and Farms
Farms should not be in the city. city should have walls and farms should be behind walls, outside of the city.
RE: Roadmap To Alpha 1 - Test 2
i cant wait. i want to fall asleep and wake up in june ))))))))))
RE: Identifying Guilds...
i think we have to have freedom of choice either we want our guild logo on gear or not. how??? keep reading....
also i suggest that we have spy game. so if you get enemy cape with their logo you can wear it and enemies will think you are one of their own and they wont attack you untill you start first. that would be very cool. i sick and tierd when game force you to be happy to wear guild logo. people are not happy if they forced to be happy. so if we also will have freedom of wearing any cape we want that will add some more tactics in combat and more fun.
maybe if we collected a lot of enemies capes we wear them all and enter their city center and kill them all. i bet there will be more fun then confusion.
all games force players wear your own cape, like you put on some cape and it automatically becomes your guilds cape. if we wanna keep player play our game we need to make some thing different from what majority of games force you to do.
New Guild concept - Beware of old concept
I just had a very unpleasant experience in some game where all leaders say to the crowd that everything withing the guild is for free. so i worked as top guild crafter and i supply free armor and weapon for entire guild. but i found out that guild leaders did RMT and they made more then 1300 usd for two weeks. and this is one account but they had another two with unknown number of money earned. so when i gave people proves, screenshots, they just simply delete all of them and baned me from all their channels and insalted me in every possible maner. so this guild had 3 leaders and others were just a members.
so from this experience i see that every system with small fixed amount of leaders soon or later will become spoiled and corrupted. beware of such guilds. i dont belive any guild anymore and im not gonna do anything for free anymore but we gotta organise ourselves somehow right?
so i suggest Senate system. Leader is just one. like a GM. he has like obsolute power from technical side of it but in fact he will be a figurehead, which means that he will just do what senate will tell him to do. what is sanate? sanate forms from oldest members who is chosen by people. small and large groups of players. senate members gotta be voted. they chosen by election. lets say there are 10 places in senate (and senate decided how many cos everything decided by senate) and there are 20 condidates so people are voting and top 10 becomes a senators. elections occure time after time. they can have a debates to attract more votes. if GM is messing around then senator just tell all their voters to leave the guild and create a new one with new leader who will obey such system.
so there are many way to go from here. maybe senate will allow for rich ones to buy votes, maybe senator will try to attract crafters to their groups to have influence on others by promising them better life or maybe there will be the only crafters representative senator who will lobby their intrests and laws for them. or maybe there will be two crafter senator and one will be pushing blacksmith interest laws and the other lamberjacks.
to create a law one senator suggest it and then the rest just voting for it. (secretly) if more then 50% voted "yes" then this law accepted by entire guild if no then no.
so this is basics but i think that such system will help to reduce corruption withing guilds. i dont wanna create my own guild but i hope that people will chose that guild who will have similar system to rule. people will control senators senators will control guild. if one senator will be cought of waisting common money then senate will have to vote for kick openly. if they dont vote for kicking then people start to leave this guild. in the end people will make a decisions by their partisipation.
beware of old concept cos you can see that systems with only one ruler get spoiled by power they got. and many leaders of guilds want this - power, but this is dectatorship.
RE: Identifying Guilds...
maybe they can implement Tabard? would be cool. and you wont be able to see what armor is on enemy? why its cool? cos usualy game give you a lable if you wear a top geat "LOOK AT THIS GUY!!!! HE IS TOP!!!" same for low gear. but with tarbard this will be always intrigue, just a bunch of guys in blue tarbards, who is strong? who is weak? you dont know. all you know just classes, this one is tank, this one is support. thats it. and you can steal tabards and wear them haha
RE: sound effects in fractured?
i hope they will not overdo things with sound like in albion for example when u hear voice of every horse in town or loud sound of horse gallop. plz dont overdo
i realy like the idea that you have to put raw materials in vagon by your own arms, which is realy cool and more realistic.
so now id like to talk about caravans. remember in albion. it was really ennoying when you realise that you can put like a 1000 logs in stupid ox. its a tiny ox, where u can possiably place 1000 logs? i realy wont stop repeating that every little stupid thing in a game accumulate and at some point you become sick of whole game. so i wonder how caravans system will work in fractured. i really would like to see some vagons which you would have load with stuff to transport it. and not in unrealistick numbers like 1000 of logs or 2000 of swords. but more real like maybe 100 swords per vagon or smth or 500 of carrots or 100 cabagges. and maybe you will have like 10 vagons and you will be controling this caravan but not like sitting on ox in albion.
RE: The City Monopoly Meta
This is a big problem but author have not suggested valuble solutions. Some games fix this by adding fractions. So this fraction own this land and that fraction own that land. But is not owr way as I understood.
But lucky you i have a solution. Quaite radical but it will fix it. Tell me if im wrong. So here it is - are u ready? lol (sorry)
I have already suggested it to other game and you can watch this video on my channel with english subs where I describe it in every detail.
here is link
But i can tell you if you dont wanna watch or watched and didnt get a thing.Basicaly if evey city will have own currency then each city wuill have their own one. Yes people can ally and have one currency, but others will ally too. So it will be like a fraction but no fraction. It will be like a guild but not a guild. So as u know currecy is an indicator of economy of some social group. Cities, States, Alinces. So money will simply be stucked to activity of players. Not the activity of killing skelletons and goblins who magicaly have some golden cons and governor dont. NO. However goblins can have a golden naggets, which then governor smelt into his own coins.
you can always make your own money be valueble cos you can c choose to sell only for your currency and to have your currency they had to sell to you something you want and get it. So all merchants will be interested in collecting it to trade with you.
yes, players can keep multiplying guilds and cyties under one agenda, but with this mechanic who will need this? Yes there will be (maybe) one hegemon, you r right, BUT nobody need to cover whole map. I give real life example. America is heremon and it force the world to use dollars (economicly force). But everything is produced in China nower days. And chana becomes a superpower sstronger then America. Back to game. So if you will cover whole map then who will work then? Somebody has to work. U cant just make people work withing the system, there gotta by more economic system representing a labour. And it truely gotta be a diffrent sytem with different control power.
Well yes, you can cover whole map tho with one currency disregard of what have said previously. But first of all this is more like beastman scenario, and if u r humans then demons can come and destroy some city, and empty a gap for new power to come. In other words, you will never be able to cover whole world cos the desire of having that power will live in many hearts and everyone will want to have that feeling of KING OF THE WORLD by printing one valuble currency for all. That why you will never succeed and thats why there will be many superpowers. And thats why there will be even single cities with one little but very strong currency if they work well.
RE: Travel Time Mitigates Log-in Desirability
@BlueGoblin i like your idea of balloon, so not only ports can fast travel but every city but I disagree with idea of transport resources in balloon or port. Like I said we have to invest time and labore in resources so that it gain value, otherwise we end up like in a crappy ultima clone legends of aria where you simply could buy reagents in thousands amounts from npc vendor. Transport res is a game play. Killing mobs is a game play. We can't just take it all away. Travel must be, same as fast travel but with significant limitation. It can be done like in real life - with tickets. So every hour balloon departure. Tickets for sale. U can book one. Governor has to set up routs. Have to agree with other city Governor for price and time. But its not free for Governor/s. He/they has to upkeep balloon port. Build balloons. Pay money/res to flying crew. They has to do it anyway even there in no passengers, so they have to manage average demand not to loose money and maximum satisfy customers.
So who will use this service? Traders, merchant, who deliver ingots, rare weapons, coins and so on. But again. We are loosing gameplay mechanic where someone travel with a lots of gold and get robed. U cannot do robbery like a gambling. All you can rob for is just a resources. However, there is another mechanic of taxation for baggage or limitation of baggage. Like in airports where u can only pass 10000 dollars and 20 kilo baggage. Same can be implemented in here with balloons or ports, so that nobody could simply transfer huge numbers of goods a values through fast travel. Maybe if you wanna travel then u allowed only one slot baggage so make your choice.Also there must be some limitation in distanse. So you cannot simply travel from edge to edge cities with one ticket. Or you can but there must be some natural limitations like a return time of balloon for example. Like one balloon can fast travel you from futherst cities but time for this balloon to return back home will be a maximum, so governors of those cities would have to agree on price and it will be a very expensive ticket. Well, its still up to them to set up the price it can be anything, but time and demand cost money, right? so maybe it will be cheaper to make three cheaper trips that direction rather then one expensive one. Anyway we leave a freedome of choice, but keeping a realistic mechamic of real world. So no magic teleports please.
Floor drop
Do u guys think its better idea to be able to put things on a floor from your bag instead of destroying it?