@chadtdubbs Hi, just wanna say look at my signature

Posts made by Benseine
RE: Herro (Quest)
RE: Background in mmo?
@majc Age of Conan is the one I played the most hours, atm playing gw2
RE: Anyone else looking forward to just building massive empires?
@bthewes I'm looking forward to destroy other ppl's massive empires
RE: Weekly Drawings - Be Active & Win Foundation Points!
Made a new forum tread in the mmorpg.com subforum. Here is link the the Fractured subforum: https://forums.mmorpg.com/categories/fractured
Here is the link to the tread I made: https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/474871
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
@grofire there is a magic number. I don't know it. Probably 25-50. Otherwise a small indie studio can just tell all the devs to vote 10/10 and their new game is at the top of the list for a while.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
First of all. Don't worry indie games like Saga of Lucimia and Gloria Victis have had income without KS.
2nd. Think most ppl will get next paycheck, after Steam Summer Sale, before KS is over.
So chill and help out by spreading the word on mmorpg.com. That is where SoL and GV got their income from. Go look at the GV and SoL subforum on mmorpg.com and compare that too the Fractured subforum. Also the hype meter had GV stuck on the front page for two years non-stop or so. Like SoL is stuck on the front page right now.