PVE - He are couple of game footage with tips how to handle some monsters in Fractured when You are a mage. Enjoy
Wisp rotation -
Greater Erath Elemental -
group of monsters -
PVE - He are couple of game footage with tips how to handle some monsters in Fractured when You are a mage. Enjoy
Wisp rotation -
Greater Erath Elemental -
group of monsters -
Forest trolls start usualy with their main skill acid even when they are out of range half screen away doing nothing and are easy targets for range. Maybe change the range of the skill or the moment they use it after coming up close in range of this skill.
Hej wszystkim,
po ostatnim stres te艣cie oraz kilkudniowej przygodzie z Fractured uda艂o mi si臋 wygra膰 klucze do kolejnych test贸w alpha.
Je艣li kto艣 jeszcze nie posiada dost臋pu a bardzo by chcia艂 pogra膰 w Alpha 2 test 3 to prosz臋 o wiadomo艣膰 mam jeszcze 2 klucze do rozdania.
So I said to myself wheres the catch and then why not?
When you use Master Wizard talent from mages tree (bouncing projectile from target) while Evil and when pvp turned on the bounced projectile hits back at your self doing damage.