How is healing going to work in pvp vs pve? Will there be alot of different cleansing spells, buffs, etc...
Would like to know this as well. I'm used to playing a druid in WoW.
Great question! I assumed that it would be easy to find the answer btw the wiki and @Vengu 's amazing service, 2 'Compilation of Everything' threads. Was gonna copy/paste here for you. But couldn't find what you are specifically looking for. On the wiki I found a Word of Power spell that can heal a critter. The compendium talks about combat but I couldn't find anything specific about healing. Tagging Vengu in case they can enlighten us.
Looking forward to learning the answer myself!
Glad you asked this!!
@PeachMcD Yeah thanks. Its just something that was on my mind since I main healing.
I don't believe Fractured will be a classic "trinity" game, where there is clear distinction between tank / healer / DPS role.
Since a character can learn all skills in game, and just his stats will focus him more to certain orientation, Fractured is more meant to be a game where many "solo" people group together for harder content and work together using their own skill set.
So there will be no pure healers, everyone will be some kind of a "whole package", but just with different kind of utility equipped at the moment.
So i forsee more self healing spells, leech spells, and also healing spells which which you can heal others as well, but not so powerful that you could go and "main the healer" without doing anything else. Well, you probably could, but that wouldn't be the most efficient application of your character.
Included will be healing spells and cleansing spells, also potions that will provide the same function (with cool downs). So anything that you seen in other mmos, Fractured will have, but not built in a way so your character would be a "pure healer" and nothing else (you can but you will likely be nerfing your efficiency if you scrap everything else besides healing on your character).
I'll argue that there will be dedicated parts of the trinity as those that play in groups wont need to be pure "generalist". It wont be mandatory but min-max for groups will push the dedicated roles so that damage can push out more without the need to rely on self healing or damage mitigation.
but it'll highly depend on how the healing spells are setup, their cooldown and resources.
@Gothix Plus take into consideration on how healing will work for demons, humans, beastmen, pets, etc.. It might have different effects or buffs depending on race. But yeah I think there can be a somewhat dedicated classes if thats how someone wants to build. That's the whole idea of the system. Having the ability to choose where you want to lean more towards in that trinity.
Healing isn't so much of spells as it is what role you choose. In that role you can play however you like. So lets say I do straight healing. Does that mean that I will be useless? No but maybe not the meta. That is to say classes are there but more as assigned roles you or a guild leader gives. I do see that people will need to mix it up. But how does that change when going into pve vs building it for pvp. I guess that's my question.
Example: Leech spells work better on mobs than players. So I have to change that out. idk if thats true or not but you get the ides. lol
How is healing going to work in pvp vs pve? Will there be alot of different cleansing spells, buffs, etc...
I guess we are going to see more build variations in PvP, but more dedication for certain roles in PvE.
And if we just think of the races (especially beastmen), their stat bonuses and differencies supports us taking roles.
The mini heal and greater heal spells from magery in ultima online were great for pvp. It worked by hitting a hot key and for 1second for mini and something like 2-3 seconds for greater you couldn't walk out of place.(cuz you casting the spell) Then a target popped up on your mouse cursor and you could click yourself, another player(or monster even) or click a health bar for the person or use targeting hotkeys to target yourself or others. Upon clicking or queing your target the spell would be cast and instantly heal some % of the persons health.
Why this was so cool for pvp:
Basically, in pvp mages would "sync drop" their damage spells onto a single target at the same time and a large amount of damage would kill the person. However, certain people were so good at healing that the moment they saw the health drop they would hit a cross heal and keep the person alive. In big fights between highly skilled mages, everyone in the group would use the heal spell to try to save each others lives or themselves in those split seconds. It made for epic survivals.
I played Neverwinter Online and I loved the Cleric because they would do 'damage' but it would pbaoe heal around the target. Damage in quotes because it was horrible dps comparatively.
Very hard to say right now. There were very limited skills/spells to choose from in Alpha 1.
There were only 2 healings skills available then, both on a long cd.
The amount of skills/spells will be huge though, so we have to wait for further tests to get a real clue.
Here I just gathered the skill/spells from alpha 1 google sheet
@Jetah So cleric damage would heal your group? Interesting.
@Pwnstar you have that in many games already. Take for example shadow priest in WoW who does similar (vanilla, 15 years ago).
@Pwnstar you have that in many games already. Take for example shadow priest in WoW who does similar (vanilla, 15 years ago).
Shadow priest has this spell called Vampiric embrace with 2min. cooldown and which last 15 sec. So yeah there have been such abilities, but we can not think shadow priest as a healer. However, I guess you meant abilities anyway.
It would actually be really fresh to have healer hybrids. It would be cool to play as a paladin for example, which play as a tank-healer hybrid and where your damage based abilities also heals/shields nearby allies.
In addition, there could be a hybrid dps-healer like a shadow priest, which has different kind of leech and drainlife abilities and which also heals your allies.
Of course Fractured does not have classes, but we can kind of create own classes by combining different abilities with different gear.
@Yitra Thanks! Best response so far^^
So meta for situations but not for roles.
@Jetah So cleric damage would heal your group? Interesting.
it was more of a spark that bounced to friendlies. Think holy damage that would spark off the main target then heal those around it.
and apparently i got it wrong (unless it was a spell mod I'm thinking of).
So there's a debuff you put on the target, then any friendly that attacks gets healed. but i could have sworn it was as i spoke of initially.