How long ago was Elysium destroyed?


    @Meiki said in How long ago was Elysium destroyed?:

    @Tuoni Well the easiest explanation is not just "magic" but that the guardian gods of the three planets were the ones who transformed the fractals into the planets little by little. How long did that take... well they are most probably not omnipotent as they were still unable to stop the Fracture from occurring so they still abide to some universal powers - like gravitation, thermodynamics, etc. But they are probably capable of bending them to a greater degree - like reverting the entropy of the One planet and instead creating and forming three planets from but a fractals. Well fantasy and non-sense can go pretty well hand-in-hand, yet make sense in the end. As what does not make sense in our universe with its rules does not have to not make sense in a different universe. (Even in our universe the rules are not stable, as gravitation bends rules on its own - most importantly those of time). But hell, it could be even a natural occurrance with no input from the gods as we already know and accept many fantasy things as normal and non-nonsense - like a whole world being on a back and carried by animals, while being flat, yet having day and night cycles, gravity, latent heat, etc.

    Involve gods for Fractured event (destruction of Elysium and shaping new planets) is not actually bad idea. So it would be some kind of mix of science, supernatural and creation. Yeah sounds quite food.

    Talking about fantasy in general was a little bit too vague and my intend was compare high fantasy and nonsense genres, and especially from MMORPG and Fractured point of view. I am not sure is there any nonsense centric MMORPGs out there, but if a game would replace a lot of reason for absurd and mindless content, I know I would not play that kind of game. So in case like this, I would say high fantasy is far away from nonsense even those two categories are kind of close to each other. I hope this my attempt to explain my point makes some sense and is not totally nonsense. 😅

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    This dicussion went far away from my original question. But I guess I hit a point worth discussing.
    Fantasy doesn't mean it is free from logic and consequences. For fractured it was said, that steam punk belongs to humans and just them. So if I will find any steam punk on tataros, than it has to be done by humans. That is an inner logic that should not be destroyed. And only if a game follows it own inner rules it will leave a good impression on the player.
    So back to my main question. Lorewise every inhabitant should know how long they live on their planet because it was a major event. Every creature wants to know where they are from so it can't be just a knowledge of a god. So we will just have to wait for more informations.


    Ill rip steampunk out of ya when I shred your body to pieces and wear it as a necklace.


    I will cut your horn and craft some kind of instrument from that. 😈

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    can you do that

    @Tuoni said in How long ago was Elysium destroyed?:

    I will cut your horn and craft some kind of instrument from that. 😈

    before he even tries that ?
    @Gothix said in How long ago was Elysium destroyed?:

    Ill rip steampunk out of ya when I shred your body to pieces and wear it as a necklace.


    @Sindariya NPCs maybe, but I guess not another players. 😅

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