Weekly Drawings - Be Active & Win Foundation Points!
Updated my PoE off topic thread for Kickstarter
, soon....
Trying to spread kickstarter word - reply to thread in r/MMORPG about up and coming MMOs
I'm the first who "hyped" Fractured on mmorpg.com
@benseine said in The Foundation - Weekly Drawings:
I'm the first who "hyped" Fractured on mmorpg.com
Nice, I tried to add to the hype, but they said my account is too fresh and missing a rank (I never used account on that website before).
I'll add to the hype when I rank up.
@gothix yeah that will help. Post in the Fractured subforum there. I'll check it out later. That subforum and the hype meter can put Fractured on the front page of mmorpg.com. I know that is how Gloria Victis got alot of income with no Kickstarter and investors.
Im really loving the way the foundation works!! It looks good and its encouraging for us to want to help and promote and get more involved on top of what we already feel about the game!!
I look forward to contributing and watching as this game grows and develops
@gothix just noticed their fubforum is still empty: https://forums.mmorpg.com/categories/fractured
To tired now and bussy weekend, but will get into it soon.
Made first tread in Fractured subforum on mmorpg.com. Care to join the discussion?
There we go. Let me make my account on MMORPG useful as well.
After ranking my account there up for a bit (so they know I'm not a bot) I was also able to add to the hype!
One more an advertisment for the Kickstarter and a german tutorial about the Planets of Fractured:
uou its amazing
eu gostei
Whatsapp group on 50 member games.
My Facebook Page of games with 600 likes.
Group of discord oriented to games with 380 members.
Group on Facebook Brazilian Fractured MMO with 950 members.
Facebook group of an e-sports team with 170 members.
@dagimir i like it too, they are awesome
Made a 2nd tread in the mmorpg.com subforum /categories/fractured
And look at my cool new signature below
Posted the horse skins on imgur with link to kickstarter
Also thanks to @Benseine for the mmorpg.com links - added my hype
Will find some time to add to the content there as well.
Also been commenting on the Fractured reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/fracturedmmo/ - not sure if the number of comments help, but figured it can't hurt.
Facebook group of an e-sports team with 170 members. - Another post in the facebook group commenting on the news said in the last live!
Well, I lurk in 100 servers which is the maximum and many of them have thousands of people and most hundreds. I have been advertising Fractured on and off for the past year but now with the Kickstarter it has been easier even tho Kickstarted games don't have such a good reputation at the moment. I can't say for sure in how many places I have posted stuff but I tend to personalize the message and then disguss it. Here's an example of one of the messages in gaming communities I'm involved:
Discord is my main social media channel but I have been trying to gain attention on Twitter and some forums. I have had some luck with referrals but honestly it feels like people just wipe the referral part for no reason
also I was finally able to cast hype in MMORPG.com, my rank had lowered to 0 during the busy winter:
Too bad most of my RL friends don't want anything to do with Kickstarter or any crowdfunded games...
The more exposure the better really, this game desperately needs that now to succeed.