Profession Matrix - Suggestion for gathering and crafting
Professions are one of my favorite aspect of MMORPGs and I love to spend time also with activities related to gathering and crafting. Those are really good counterbalance to all combat activities what games can usually offer. That great interest related to professions and desire to be a mastercrafter has driven me to prepare this comprehensive suggestion.Below is my matrix how professions could be implemented in Fractured. I divided professions to three main category without actually knowing how this is planned to implement.
- Gathering
- Refining / Processing
- Crafting
If DS has planned to include refining/processing to gathering and/or crafting that is of course one way to do this.
Now please consider this as my vision, which bases on my experience how professions have been implemented successfully in other games and how I wish to see things to be done to cater all players interested of different life skills. I don't say this is how professions should be done, this is more like how things could be done. I just hope this post gives devs some ideas what they can consider to use in development.
I tried to gather information from forums and news, and I mixed those with my own ideas and experience. That lead to matrix like this:
I know there is a good amount of different profession, but some of them can easily be combined if wanted. I did not list all the things different professions can make, I just gave some meaningful examples.
Gathering is usually and generally speaking very grindy activity, which can also lead people for boredom quite fast. I personally like to gather now and then, and especially in mind to collect more crafting materials. I am sure that most people are fine with decent amount of grind, because it goes well with spirit of gathering. Still I hope we will see progression implemented way like abilities are generally planned (using task system). And I guess this is developers intend as well.Creating gathering more interesting is not only about making it less grindy. Adding more content to gathering itself is one good way to do this. Craftable gathering gear, tools and items are standard options, but on top of that gatherers deserves something more. Hiding rare drops and other rewards to resource nodes is something which keeps people going. Also unlocking special abilities to help with gathering would give people wider progression.
Crafting will be really important part of Fractured, because we have player driven economy. That is why I hope we can see more focus on individual item crafting and less in mass production. So, I want to see more complex, but at the same time more rewarding system. At the sametime DS wants basic gear set crafting to be quite simple, so i am interested how they will balance this? Because, if crafting will be really easy (only few materials needed) and mass productive, this will lead items to overflood the markets. After that it is hard to make profit with anything. Also if crafting system allows mass production, this will lead guilds to centralize all resources to specific/shared alts. I hope this will be avoided with some mechanics like task system or recipes, so we will actually see crafting as meaningful career choice. This is where Albion Online went really wrong and I do not want to see Fractured making same mistake.Summary
This suggestion was about different profession possibilities and what the structure could look like. I did not wanted to go too deep in gathering, crafting or specific professions. I guess I could get back to those topics a little bit later.So it's time to end this post and hear othersβ opinions. Did I miss something relevant? What kind of professions you would like to see in Fractured and most importantly why?

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@Meiki Yeah, its hard to say how all profession will be implemented, but in otherhand its not so hard to make good guesses. So if we examine a little bit this picture:
We can assume that professions have their own pages like all schools of magic and fighting. What we do not know is how much professions we actually have and how all different professions will be categorized.
In picture we have now page of Invocation and abilities related to that school. If we use weaponsmithing as an example. We can see how it has similar page where is listed on the left different weapons you can unlock and craft. On the right you can see weapon stats and crafting materials needeed.
So I can imagine how this will be implemented, but of course I can not be sure. I am sooo eager to see how this profession system will be implemented and I hope this will happen quite soon.
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Actually I really hope you are right.
It is natural way to think, that we have gathering -> refining -> crafting in that order. That will be the production line no matter what kind of system we have. It is still there. Now your examples makes perfect sense imho. Collecting all same kind of professions under specific school regardless is those gathering, refining or crafting skills sounds perfect solution.
I would use as a new example Hunter School or Nature School. That school could contain professions or abilities listed below:
- Hunter
- Skinner
- Lumberjack
- Tamer
- Tanner
- Sawyer
- Fletcher
- Bowyer
- Leatherworker
- Carpenter
And for adjustment, I dont mean by hunting only killing animals or creatures, but also catching those alive with traps, cages and ropes. So with taming skill you or someone else can at least try to tame catched animals or creatures to pets, mounts or cattle. Or if you choose to kill your prey, those can be skinned and later tanned and used with leatherworking to make armors. Same with weapons. Hunter school should have at least bow, spear, trap crafting and maybe even some knives or druidic stuff.
..Anyway, dividing professions under specific schools is the way to go. Excellent idea @Meiki.
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@Meiki said in Profession Matrix - Suggestion for gathering and crafting:
@Tuoni Well a better position to discuss the skill books will be when alfa comes
Yeah you are probably right, but its fun to speculate.
In optimal situation there would be 6 different profession schools, so every school is under one specific (and different) attribute. I see here only one problem, what kind of stuff you put under Charisma? All other 5 are easily covered. With this logic every profession school could have own node in talent tree to give some bonuses. Like in this picture:
Or what you @Meiki had in your mind with primary and secondary attributes? I liked that idea to have also secondary attribute involved.
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@Meiki Hmmmm.. Yeah it could, but I guess that is not enough, because most players won't actually roleplay. I guess I would personally approach charisma from 'how its defined' point of view. So here is copy how Fractured defines charisma and what it actually incluedes:
"Charisma is a measure of the leadership and mental abilities of a character, determining the amount of pets and companions it can control at once, its ability to charm other creatures and its affinity with mental abilities, which increases psychic damage and psychic resistance. It also grants a moderate bonus to item identification, makes interactions with NPCs easier and more effective, and determines the base luck of the character.
Reaching a Charisma score of 20 gives the character a significant boost to its luck.
Some say luck is blind, but knowing yourself and having faith in your abilities often helps a lot! Charisma is used by leaders and kings to raise among people, by minstrels to convey emotions to the souls of their audience, by tricksters to deceive their victims with illusions, and by trainers to earn the respect of their pets.
When chances between life and death depend on the throw of a dice, Charisma makes the difference, skewing the balance towards the best result."I do not have much ideas atm what it comes to charisma and professions related to that attribute, but tamer would be one option, because it actually looks like animal charming and taming can be a thing. Charisma is character's skill to persuade, preach, lead, trick, lie, and convince others, so its kind of easy to implement punch of abilitites from there. Maybe something related to trading or being a merchant if that is possible. And because we will have "bard school", it would be expectable to have some kind of instrument crafting and maybe even inscriber or composer to write music sheets (basically abilitites) for example.
Well maybe Charisma related school is possible to implement even it might not have same amount of content than other schools.. but maybe it does not actually matter so much. I just kind of want that charisma would matter as much as any other attribute, because easily you value those others much more higher.
Keep in mind though that not all players like when too much complexity is involved. It's why devs need to find the right balance so crafting is not boring, but also not overly complicated.
People want to relax when playing a game, and not torture them selves.
We have just talked about the frames here, at the same level what the already exist magic & fighting schools will be, so I really hope it won't be too complex to anyone.
@Gothix said in Profession Matrix - Suggestion for gathering and crafting:
devs need to find the right balance so crafting is not boring, but also not overly complicated.
I agree with this. And this balance is actually important in every activity what game can offer.
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@Meiki said in Profession Matrix - Suggestion for gathering and crafting:
@Gothix Although you can have a complex, yet fun system. It is usually the time-consumption and complicated mechanics that put people off. But as long as they have fun with it, it can be complex no probs.
That is true. And top of that complex system needs to be rewarding and avoid bunishing RNG features.
items could have a base stat then have a magic profession, usually something like enchanting, that adds magical attributes to it, which can be RNG to an extent.
I like Path of Exile where any common item could become a well crafted item.
@Jetah said in Profession Matrix - Suggestion for gathering and crafting:
items could have a base stat then have a magic profession, usually something like enchanting, that adds magical attributes to it, which can be RNG to an extent.
Yeah this would be quite standard solution. I guess there could be some slight RNG involved, but maybe its better if it does not have a big role.
@Jetah said in Profession Matrix - Suggestion for gathering and crafting:
I like Path of Exile where any common item could become a well crafted item.
Was this based purely on RNG? Because I was wondering, that it might be nice add if you could use some extra ingredients to make common items with better quality.
@Jetah said in Profession Matrix - Suggestion for gathering and crafting:
I like Path of Exile where any common item could become a well crafted item.
I really like Path of Exile as well.
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I always disliked RNG in any aspect of MMO, except perhaps when boss drops are involved.
I much prefer when both combat and crafting are based purely on skill and your own effort. Lett the "more skilled" player win, and not the "more lucky" one...
If I wanted to play a RNG game, I'd just go buy a lottery ticket.
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