Hey guys, can somebody explain allignments?
I'm curious what the difference between lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, and chaotic evil. I feel like I'd be with neutral evil based on I would only be evil so I could profit, and it seems like chaotic evil would do evil deeds because they could and lawful evil would do deeds they thought were right?
From what I understand, it's mostly how to environment and NPCs will react to you. For example, if you're evil, the Beastmen world is going to be very hostile to you. Also, mixed-race guilds are allignment-restricted. I compiled some information about it in my big compilation thread: https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/266/a-compilation-of-everything-we-know-about-fractured/2?page=1
Hi @Nitek! Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic is a personal choice to signal your attitude to other players and role-play (following the D&D canon) - it's not planned for it to have actual consequences in the game. Good / Neutral / Evil instead does have real consequences - you can find out more in the thread @Vengu pointed to, plus here and in a future spotlight dedicated to the Criminal System :slight_smile: