Packages Items Doubt

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Hi, a doubt here if I place an item on town like Statue or any other item from a limited pledge if it gets raid do I lose it forever? ty

  • Wiki Editor

    You will get blueprints for buildings, thats a knowledge, that you have in your craft menu.
    And i doubt the other things you will place and lose from your knowledge, means i doibt you just can place it once.
    Other items are companions thats your personal stuff, that you will have forever.

    For the statue i‘m not sure, that just can answer Jacopo i guess.

  • Wiki Editor

    The Founder statue I'm not sure, but all other statues are permanent. Kind of interested what the Founder statue is actually - is that for our own house @Prometheus @Specter?

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