Kickstarter gooaaaaalllll
CodeTsilon TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Jul 23, 2018, 4:23 PM last edited by CodeTsilon Jul 27, 2018, 2:45 PM
Less than a 100 euros left for a full 100% on Kickstarter! What a beautiful sight.
Edit/Update : Reached and surpassed intended kickstarter goal
We're all gonna make it brah
Next 23Hours are crucial, for now it can go down and it can go up..
Ну он и врнуишка
I've just pledged (put my cent)
Congratulations to the successful Kickstarter Campaign Dynamight!
They did it
I’m so glad that it ended up working out!!!
Huzzah! Congratulations Dynamight Studios!
I gave my support ! Let's go guys you deserved it !
Gz all! One step closer to a beautifull game
Good job everyone! Now we just have to rely on the devs to complete their goals
ahhh that is soo envying
i would also want to create my own hardcore full-loot game with some good sense.. but maybe im young for it yet... anyway. Good job!
I'm really glad the KickStarter is funded! Even if the game doesn't turn out to my liking, I'm really glad it's being made.
I'd be somewhat tempted to contribute, but real life gets in the way...
800 backers!!!!
Really nice
Congrats to Dynamight, and thanks to all the bakers