How does a persistent world work with an MMO?
hmm Hi. is it ok to ask something here?
how does a persistend world works with an MMO? A bit confused as I've never really engaged in any MMO before.
@esev A world in an MMO has to be persistent, otherwise multiple players wouldn't be able to play together in a single world. The world is always online, and there are always players wandering around. There's no such thing a save game like you see in single player games.
@specter Hi there
Thanks for the explanation and for moving the post.
I understand what you said but what about for example when a player cuts down an entire "forest" to gather wood, is that resource forever gone for other players?
@esev For a while, but I assume it will regrow. With that said, the world is going to be huge so I doubt that anyone is going to have problems with finding resources.
If the forest regrows or not is a matter of the games programming.
There are some games where you literally strip mine out the resources and they don't come back. There are other games where they continue to come back instantly and some where they come back in hours.
the world doesn't change. just like Earth doesn't change during your lifetime.
World of Warcraft is almost 14 years old and it hasn't changed. Note that there was a change because of a specific expansion but the layout stayed the same.
In Eve Online if you fully strip an asteroid belt it'll just respawn. Most harvestable resources will respawn unless the game mechanics prevent it.
reminds me of game Wakfu where you can destroy ecosystem there completely because it wont automatically respawn, because you need to replant the seeds of plant/monster which harvested from its own ressources, so creature can literally extinct there, but its only last 1 week, since every maintenance server will respawn back the resources again
oh that sounds interesting!
That's how a sandbox game should be.
Like in Eve Online the asteroid belts eventually re-spawn and grow to crazy sizes, but at the same time you can also strip mine out a system and keep it empty if you choose to.