Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
We still are on our way to 1000 backers, it may be not much but it's still doable.
@assassino Yea i think we will hit 1k by the end..
Agree. Many successful KS's have a massive surge the last couple hours. There's that 48 hour surge, and then again when it really hits crunch time.
@prometheus said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
We don't need the money to move with development - but our deadlines are based on a successful Kickstarter campaign.
So, yeah... For us, way better to hit the goal now and keep gathering new followers in the coming months rather than having to start over!We're at 3/4, lots of updates to come, let's make it happen!
So, even if we are not that much we did it! no it's up to you to... make it happen!
I hope the site packages will go towards new stretch goals?
The dungeon and Lich are must haves and we're unlikely going to make it.
@kehmesis Yes, the pledge-based stretch goals will go to the website. Only the backer-based goals are KS exclusive.
I think the very first cash stretch goal at 110k is definitely going to be reached, the 1k backers is also going to be reached. It should be noted that the Early Bird prices will not carry over..... so if you are looking at one of the packages that has one now would be the time to pull the trigger.... it will cost more latter!
@mazikar 100% agree with this. I'm also betting those deals are the best we'll have the opportunity to get.