While in the Summary of Q&A we started talking about the Guild limitation and figured it deserved its own thread, so here it is.
Guilds are planet-based. In order to be a member of a guild, you have to have permanent access to that planet. If you do something that causes you to lose your permanent stay on a planet, for example because you got exiled, you will be kicked from the guild.- Only Beastman can live permanently on Arboreus so they are the only ones able to join Beastmen guilds.
- Only Humans and Beastman can live permanently on Syndesia so both of them can join Human guilds.
- Demons can only stay permanently on Tartaros, and for that reason can only join Demon guilds.
- Evil Humans and good Humans can't be part of the same guild.
- They might change it if it's too complicated or the community wants more freedom.
@Prometheus [source] @Jetah @Benseine Fractured is a sandbox but one with a strong lore and racial characterization, which comes with several unique design choices. That being said, as I've also mentioned in the streaming, perhaps these restrictions will change or will go away as a whole. Alpha will tell!
I'm under the belief that the game is a true sandbox and there shouldn't be any limitations in guild membership or that membership should be limited by the players. This allows trade guilds to coexist with races to help trade. This allows RP guilds to accept and release members that don't keep a certain alignment, etc.
To me if a guild wants to start the game as evil and after a few months or year decides to swap to neutral they couldn't do that under the current vision. They'd have to drop out, disband the guild then start a new guild with the old name while their members change from evil to neutral. A guild couldn't have a 'death squad' either.
I'm just seeing more theme park limitations with this decision.
I agree. I think with the current restrictions, we'll end up seeing guilds that want this sort of freedom splitting up the guild into "alliances" that are set up and managed outside the game through discord or something.
After reading @Target 's response I'd settle on the guild master decided by settings:
- Strict Alignment
- Once the Guild's alignment is determined, anyone outside of that alignment is autokicked (maybe setup so they're warned first).
- Strict Planet Race
- Any race belonging to Tartarus or Arboreus, etc.
- This needs to be setup so if someone changes alignment and belongs to a new planet they can be welcomed.
- Strict Race
- Only 1 race can join (ie only Chadra or Only Erwydra or Only Blood)
- Any Alignment
- Any Race
- Open
- Any race and any alignment can join.
Maybe these could be combined so you can offer Planet Race and Strict Alignment. Or Strict Race and Any Alignment
Allowing the Guild to decide how it wants to function is more sandbox.
- Strict Alignment
@Jetah On Arboreus the only change I would suggest is to accept all Good Players. Neutral and Evil should not exist there (in guilds). For sure ther must not be possible to have good or neutral guilds there! About Syndesia and Tartaros it's fair to have a mix of everything but not on Arboreus. Planets restrinctions must be respected and not bypassed by joining a guild.
I really want avoid to see neutral/evil guilds on Arboreus.
Strict Race
Only 1 race can join (ie only Chadra or Only Erwydra or Only Blood)
Guilds can manage it by their own while accepting an apply.
I agree. I think with the current restrictions, we'll end up seeing guilds that want this sort of freedom splitting up the guild into "alliances" that are set up and managed outside the game through discord or something.
I hope to see defaul good alignment restrictions on alliances if involves Arboreus guilds.
@Finland your guild on your planet can be setup how you want in my scenario and other people who have different opinions can do what they want. This way everyone enjoys the guild they want.
All guilds are neutral. it's the people in the guild that have an alignment.
@jetah not on Arboreus. I really don't care much listening opinions of gankers. Feel free to suggest what you want for Syndesia and Tartaros but not Arboreus. Arboreus should stay super restricted to good people only.
I will try to do everything possible to make Arboreus the less desirable for gankers. Too much freedom there (for guilds) would not be good. Griefing should not exists on Arboreus.
I think it should stay as it is, and if you want to play on another planet you should go through a transformation like the angel/abomination. So for humans to go to Tartaros they transform into zombie/necromancer/vampire and for a human to go to Aboreus they transform into some kind of warewolf/spirit/fairy. Whole guilds can walk this path.
There should also be a timer before you get guildkick if your aligments change. Ppl will do stupid things, like offerings at the wrong shrine etc. An instant guildkick can be disruptive for guilds. Give ppl a timer of a few days to correct their choice/mistake, before they are automaticly removed from guilds.
I think it should stay as it is, and if you want to play on another planet you should go through a transformation like the angel/abomination. So for humans to go to Tartaros they transform into zombie/necromancer/vampire and for a human to go to Aboreus they transform into some kind of warewolf/spirit/fairy. Whole guilds can walk this path.
That's a nice idea
better than givin too much freedom everywhere that would brake the meaning of different play style on the three planets.
There should also be a timer before you get guildkick if your aligments change. Ppl will do stupid things, like offerings at the wrong shrine etc. An instant guildkick can be disruptive for guilds. Give ppl a timer of a few days to correct their choice/mistake, before they are automaticly removed from guilds.
I would like insta kick cause I will do it by my own if will be removed. So prolly the best option is givin us the option to:
- insta kick
- timer kick
- no kick
@finland thx, got a question about the "no kick" option. That still means the guildmember can't permanently stay on Aboreus, right? So you don't kick him, but you would have a guildmember that permanently lives on Syndesia, and only temporary can go back to Aboreus? And if that guildmember goes further down the karma train, you end up with an Abomenation on Tartaros that is still in your guild?
@finland thx, got a question about the "no kick" option. That still means the guildmember can't permanently stay on Aboreus, right? So you don't kick him, but you would have a guildmember that permanently lives on Syndesia, and only temporary can go back to Aboreus? And if that guildmember goes further down the karma train, you end up with an Abomenation on Tartaros that is still in your guild?
Dunno I have seen people asking for no auto kicks. Personally I would like to see insta kick like it is ;). For sure the planet leads everything. On Arboreus should not exists guilds with neutral or evil players. So neither a timed kick. We have to reduce every kind of risk on Arboreus. On other planets I do not care about mix or how to manage kicks. For sure insta kicks by setting up rules is something I want for my guild on Syndesia and Tartaros.
From the viewpoint of a player that wants to play as evil aligned character, I can see 2 choices.
Play as demon, get access to extra bonuses that come with demon races, eclipse raid fun time, and other demon gimmicks.
Other choice is play as human, go evil, but have bit more freedom about where you live, and an option to join guilds that can control cities on Syndesia, a planet that will be most busy with traffic, as all races will often travel to there. Also you can have good human and evil human in guild, which can lead to some nifty commerce tactics, working with Tartaros and Arboreus.
So I see demons as a great choice for (evil) solo PvPers, and (evil) guilds that mostly want to raid and pillage. Meanwhile I see evil humans as a better choice for (evil) guilds that enjoy GvG combined with control of the lands, more developed commerce and things like that.
(I don't know a lot of details about abominations yet, so for now I'm not considering them)
@gothix it's confirmed Tartaros will have the same GvG content as Syndesia. On top of that demons can join eclipses to pillage and plunder Syndesia.
@gothix abominations are like demons relegated to Tartaros with the same mechaninc.