Patch Log - r.0.0d - More Bug Fixes

  • DymStudios - CEO

    Hi all,

    more and more fixes are coming!


    • Summons now correctly inherit the Attitude of the caster (Peaceful vs Aggressive). This fixes several issues and ways to grief Peaceful players.
    • Entering stealth now deactivates all Sustained abilities with AOE effects (e.g. cloaks, auras) and Summons. This could have been used to free-farm mobs - not as quickly as playing regularly with a skilled character, but still.


    • Fixed a badly designed behavior that would make monsters sometimes start homing (leashing) after killing a summon.
    • The Unstuck functionality can no longer be used when KO or dead. This could have led to funny outcomes.
    • Fixed a bug that would make game clients show wrong info for Divine Trials on the map and in game.


    • Fixed that damn unreadable color of the Recruit chat.
    • When trying to issue a Kill command to a summon against a target that is too far away, the user is now notified of that instead of just nothing happening. The targeting range has also been increased.
    • Unsummoning the Woodland Being no longer sometimes causes the Barbed Skin sound to loop forever.
    • Ricochet and Shimmering Sphere now bounce correctly among different valid targets.
    • It is now possible to mass drop crystals in the Distillery.
    • Fixed character creation and selection UIs that had would end up in weird positions on screens that weren't 16:9.


    Very impressive patches!
    It is so encouraging that you are hitting these so quick and effectively.
    Thanks! 😊

  • Love to see things that users complaint about in the last two days on the general chat being fixed today. Keep up the good work!

  • @Prometheus Cool update 🙂 Unfortunately, I can't connect with my account now.... But at least I have the development console 🙂

    You have deploy Development Build 😂

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @arokesha said in Patch Log - r.0.0d - More Bug Fixes:

    @Prometheus Cool update 🙂 Unfortunately, I can't connect with my account now.... But at least I have the development console 🙂

    You have deploy Development Build 😂

    Yeah, it happened by accident on Steam. It's been reverted already - check out the Discord announcements 🙂 The "console" is actually just a way to open the normal client log file faster, it doesn't really do anything 😄

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