Patch Log - b.1.1b - Critical Fixes

  • DymStudios - CEO

    Hi all,

    here come fixes to the most pressing issues after the release of EGC:

    • Fortesses events now start when they are meant to.
    • Mounts can now be tamed. This issue was related to world events which would disappear leaving the mounts behind, and those could not be tamed (always failed).
    • It's now possible to unlock new abilities added to monsters if you have already progressed past them. You just need to kill the monster once.
    • It's no longer possible to have 2 Sustained abilities active adding the Abiding Focus talent, activating the spells and removing the talent (exploit).


  • Can you increase the damage? Since the update,the damage has been reduced by 85%, the solo Jotunn and ogre has become slow, and the game is now unfriendly to solo players and newcomers.

  • Moderator

    There has been a lowering of the damage for both players and mobs, by around 15%.

    While the high CR mobs have surely become more difficult in solo (but you can still do them all in solo), the newcomers have it quite easier. Under the new system low CR mobs are significantly easier.

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