Suggestion for Enchanting System

  • Content Creator

    My favorite part of Fractured is the Enchanting System.

    That being said, the system does need an overhaul and some rebalancing (which I'm sure is in the works) but I thought a suggestion thread about what some of the Players think might be good things to include in that overhaul might be.

    My Thoughts and Observations:

    I was recently told there are 5 categories or levels of reagents, Very Common, Reasonably Common, Rare, Legendary (5th one wasn't detailed) and that VC have 4 total aspect points, RC have 6, Rare have 10, and Legendary have 15 (again, 5th wasn't mentioned to me)

    Given this, we find reagents like Mandrake and Angel's Trumpet count as Rare reagents, with a total of 10 points. At the same time, Elemental Essences have only a total of 6 points, getting only 3 in their actual Element. This seems counter-intuitive to me, so it is definitely one I would possibly work on.

    Any Reagent that is A. Not a Mob Drop, and also B. Doesn't only show up in 'Dangerous' areas should probably not be classified as Rare. In addition, Mandrake at least, is one of the single most useful Reagents in the game, showing up in a lot of recipes, as it has 5 Mind and also has Energy, 2 of the most common Aspects.

    Elemental Essences, on the other hand, should probably have one of the highest scores in their given element, even if they only had 1's in everything else (although at least a 5, I'd think, so maybe 2 and 3 in the others to get to 10 and keep with the current pattern, or maybe 4, 1, 1 if they stay as a Reasonably Common)

    The other major observation, and I know its a beta and not everything is balanced or implemented yet, but there are entire aspects that aren't being used in enchants at all. This makes said reagents that have them seem completely superfluous in the game, I figure they will probably be part of either Alchemy or Rings, but right now, they mean nothing in the game.


    Rebalance and reclassify reagents, taking into account Commonality based on how dangerous it is to farm them, and how readily available they are in the world. Personally, I would also spread some of them out more, and make them more biome specific, so that they breed more regional trade, but the maps aren't exactly huge for that. I know some are going to be planet locked, of course.

    Second suggestion is to give more weight to the Classification of the Aspects. Right now, the Reagents list "Universal" and "Primal" and "Manipulation" next to the aspects, clearly classifying them, but we don't really know what else about them. Some have 3 different classifications, some have 3 Universal aspects, and it would be nice to be able to figure out how that relates eventually (not asking to give it to us, but hoping there is a reason)

    Final suggestion for now from me is to try to make at least a couple enchant recipes for each current Aspect on the Reagents we have, or possibly reclassify some aspects as "Alchemical" aspects so we know they are going to be more involved with that system.

    Just my 2 cp worth. Of course I welcome other discussions.

    Note also: I'm fine with not having recipes for enchants in the Wiki and things like that, I like the whole "build your own recipe" feel of enchanting, where you give us the ingredients and their aspects, and we find out how to make it work.


    @GamerSeuss said in Suggestion for Enchanting System:

    (...)Given this, we find reagents like Mandrake and Angel's Trumpet count as Rare reagents, with a total of 10 points. At the same time, Elemental Essences have only a total of 6 points, getting only 3 in their actual Element. This seems counter-intuitive to me, so it is definitely one I would possibly work on(...)

    My guess is that, while technically gated through PvE, the amount of respawn and the 'kill rate' of Elementals is far higher than the amount of players roaming the wild collecting these sparse and spread out 'nodes'. Personally, I can gather more elemental essence than I can carry fast, while walking around looking for plants takes longer (which might be different for others, but I guess is the intended design). Hence the rarity of reagents would make sense.


    I just wish there was a cauldron or something where i can throw in my abundant enchanting mats i have and some gold and it poop out a different type of the same tier level that might be more useful. Like 10 T1 of the same enchanting mats +50 gold will give you 10 different T1 enchanting mats in return.

    makes less popular/abundant mats usable aswell as add a gold sink

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