The PvE vs PvP Thread
@jetah dunno I played on an RP realm so I had no problems crossing every region ^^ the mod was like flagging to zerg down intruders like 5vs1
Phaethonas TF#9 - FIRST AMBASSADOR Feb 18, 2018, 1:04 AM last edited by Phaethonas Feb 18, 2018, 1:07 AM
@miffi said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@miffi said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@finland said in
Issue | Goldsellers and DDoS attacks:
@phaethonas said in
Issue | Goldsellers and DDoS attacks:
Fractured has a planet solely for pve? Tell that to the demon horde when it invades that planet and starts killing and pillaging
So once there will be no more beasts what do you plan to do? Move to another game?
Look's like that the main purpose is killing beasts (pvers). You can fight humans and demons too. But pkers/gankers like you never mention them. I really hope that devs will keep an eye on your kind of considerations.
My main purpose is not to kill pvers. And the moment pvers leave (if that happens, which I doubt), then I will be killing pvpers.
What I did say was that if you chose to be a beastkin, don't expect to leave peacefully ever after. The game has the concept of demon invasions.
As to my preferences? They are not that important as long as I accept the game for what it is. To your own words, you want to force changes to the game.
I think the problem most pve'rs have is that you want to force pvp on them. Its your going out of your way for targeting those who want no part of it. I personally dont mind, I like pvp. No so much grieving, ganking and just being scummy but pvp im down for. But a lot of those going beastkin are doing so to avoid people like you unfortunately. The idea is this, you want to pvp? Thats fine, go ahead and do so with the others who want to also. But dont force those who dont to do so. Thats why they are condemning that playstyle because its a bully mentality.
I am not trying to force anything to anyone.
If a beastkin wants to hide during a demon invasion that is just fine. Does he/she want to log out and log back in when the invasion has stopped? That is fine as well.
Me (a demon) invading the beast planet is not "forcing someone to pvp" and it is not "bullying". Me invading the beast planet is part of the game's gameplay.
If someone doesn't like that concept, then he/she doesn't like this game. As such I would urge that person to reconsider being at this game as well as games like EVE, Dual Universe, Crowfall, Camelot Unchained and others like that. They can go and play a number of other pve centric/oriented games.
Thats true, I can see some merit to your point. But what people are doing is voicing that they dont want that as part of the game. It hasnt been developed yet and in reality whats the point of alienating a fair part of the player market. Lets be honest, most of those who are going beastkin are pve oriented people. 'Carebears' as some would call. It would be unwise to implement a mechanic that thoroughly ruined the gameplay experience for them. Thats just the truth of it, they dont want it. Personally I dont want it removed, but most dont want to be worried every minute of time they play that someones just going to kill and take all the stuff, and thats a warranted fear.
You are right that if it is part of the game in a much greater manner than we are expecting that they shouldn't play the game and move on to another, but if they do, you have a very small population on your hands.... and thats not good for anyone.
PvE oriented people and "care bears" are not the same thing. Not in my view at least.
I can understand beastkin "care bears" to whine about the concept of a demon horde invading their planet, but PvE oriented people who can accept that the beast planet won't be a "safe space" for them, exist.
I suppose that Fractured is a good game for PvE oriented people who are not "care bears", but it is not a good game for "care bears".
And care bears asking Fractured to become a game/"safe space" for them is.....silly.
The whole concept of Fractured is that it has three different worlds, that are not in isolation with each other, but rather there is some kind of "communication" and people can go from one world to the next, albeit difficulty.
If "care bears" ask for something else, is them asking for a core feature of Fractured to change. That is not gonna happen.
Games are being made around core ideas and core ideas won't change. Things around them, may change.
To state an example; Demon invasions will be at Fractured and that is the end of it. How and when demons can invade is a subject that can change and quite frankly even the devs may be unsure about some parts. It is possible that the devs during the game's development will test a number of things till they decide what works best. And even after release these may change. So, demon invasions may be something that can be done once per month or once per year. The invasions may last for days or hours. The demons may be able to make a base or take over a base or they may just be roaming ravagers. The human planet may be more easily invaded than the beast planet, vice versa or the planets may be equally easily invaded. The effect the beast planet has to the demons may have different severities. For example at the beast planet I may have 80% of my HP and a debuff that makes me slower, but upon seeing that the demons may be too strong even then, the devs may change that to me having 60% of my HP, a debuff that makes me slower and a debuff that makes me weaker.
There are so many things to consider, but there is one thing that I doubt that will be considered. Making the beast planet a safe space for care bear pvers.
Not to be confused with the larger demographic of pvers. As I said earlier, not all pvers are care bears.
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
If someone doesn't like that concept, then he/she doesn't like this game. As such I would urge that person to reconsider being at this game as well as games like EVE, Dual Universe, Crowfall, Camelot Unchained and others like that. They can go and play a number of other pve centric/oriented games.
I could tell you the same. First of all Fractured is not a PvP only oriented game but both! So people will enjoy both style of gameplay. Second there are no great games around for those who does not like gank fests. Wow (bored after 11 yeas), gw2 (sucks), eos (does not look so attractive to me), Diablo(it's just a cop-op) end of the story.
Stop thinking about Fractured as a PvP oriented game. Demons will "invade" Arboreus well you will not allowed to kill people in the most of the planet ;). You will invade and the people will move out from unsafe zones. Easy peasy.
The point is not only the dungeons/raids content. The point is to play and join pvp only when you want without be forced to be engaged h24 7/7. For example if they woul remove full loot I will not care to have open pvp everywhere ;). Full loot is like you in real life that work for 40 years to buy an expensive car and someday a thief steals it.
Well on the one hand you say that the most popular games are WoW, GW2 and ESO, implying all the while that they are "best/better than" and then you say that you like neither.
Well, I don't care about a game's popularity and I like none of the games you mentioned and it doesn't concern me which games you like or not, if any.
What concerns me is for me to find a game that I like playing. And I understand if your attitude would be the same.
So, regardless what you like and what you want, regardless what I like and I want the facts remain.
Fractured will have both pvp and pve but also it won't have exclusive pvp zones and/or exclusive pve zones. The beast planet is not an exclusive pve zone. And you already have said that you want to change that!
That is not gonna happen, or rather it is extremely unlikely that it will happen.
Also, I don't think we know that "Demons [...] will not allowed to kill people in the most of the planet". I am almost certain that something like that hasn't been announced and I sincerely doubt that the devs would make Arboreus for the most part a safe zone as you hope.
@phaethonas you missing the fact that exists two kind of players only those who does not care about pvp on everywhere (PvPers). And the other side those who does not care to do thing flagged pvp called PvErs (PvE does not mean only you go for dung and things like that).
Software House makes games to make money, not to make 3 guys happy. Niche games does not bring money and they usually became pay to win when the population is too low.
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
Also, I don't think we know that "Demons [...] will not allowed to kill people in the most of the planet". I am almost certain that something like that hasn't been announced and I sincerely doubt that the devs would make Arboreus for the most part a safe zone as you hope.
They said it!
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas you missing the fact that exists two kind of players only those who does not care about pvp on everywhere (PvPers). And the other side those who does not care to do thing flagged pvp called PvErs (PvE does not mean only you go for dung and things like that)
I am not missing any facts, thank you very much.
Phaethonas TF#9 - FIRST AMBASSADOR Feb 18, 2018, 1:22 AM last edited by Phaethonas Feb 18, 2018, 1:22 AM
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
Also, I don't think we know that "Demons [...] will not allowed to kill people in the most of the planet". I am almost certain that something like that hasn't been announced and I sincerely doubt that the devs would make Arboreus for the most part a safe zone as you hope.
They said it!
Till you point me to the direction of that info, I will doubt it.
It would make no sense to have demon invasions at the beast planet then. If 80% of Arboreus is a safe zone, it makes no sense to have that mechanic.
@phaethonas Fractured is going to be a game for those who like be falgged pvp on full time, and for those who does not like it. We have 3 planes is liek have 3 different servers with 3 different ruleset.
Phaethonas TF#9 - FIRST AMBASSADOR Feb 18, 2018, 1:28 AM last edited by Phaethonas Feb 18, 2018, 1:28 AM
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas Fractured is going to be a game for those who like be falgged pvp on full time, and for those who does not like it. We have 3 planes is liek have 3 different servers with 3 different ruleset.
Precisely my point. This is what you are misunderstanding.
This is not like having three different servers with three different kind of rule-sets.
You have to understand that.
The point of one race going to another planet is the simple proof that this is not like having one game with three different servers.
@phaethonas no! the point is that going to another planet you will accept that ruleset!
yeah we don't know what percent of Arboreus will be safe. I'm hoping for 50% or less. but I can see 10-25% but with limited invasion times, ie 1 a month or once a game year.
@Phaethonas Some areas on Arboreus will be PvE-only. Read my post here.
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas no! the point is that going to another planet you will accept that ruleset!
sigh NO!
You are so wrong! Demons will bring their ruleset with them when they will invade the human and beast planets.
@phaethonas You are prolly following another game ;). You will invade and you will suffer the planet ruleset you can't bypass that
@specter said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@Phaethonas Some areas on Arboreus will be PvE-only. Read my post here.
Yes! Undoubtedly!
I never said otherwise, unless you wanna tell me that 80% of Arboreus will be a safe zone.
My guess is that only the initial cities/population centers will be safe zones and maybe perhaps some open world dungeons.
A player made city at Arboreus? My guess is that it will be raidable.
@jetah said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
yeah we don't know what percent of Arboreus will be safe. I'm hoping for 50% or less. but I can see 10-25% but with limited invasion times, ie 1 a month or once a game year.
My guess will be that the safe zone will be 10-25% with the invasion being difficult and the penalties always being applied. Unlike invasions during eclipses, that will have no penalties.
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas You are prolly following another game ;). You will invade and you will suffer the planet ruleset you can't bypass that
the eclipse event will remove any penalties on the human planet. I'd assume it also works so the humans can invade the demon planet without problems also.
@Phaethonas yeah, but i'm still thinking it'll be 50% of the planet so if it's less I'll feel better
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas You are prolly following another game ;). You will invade and you will suffer the planet ruleset you can't bypass that
Demons and Humans will be able to invade the beast planet and they will bring their ruleset with them. Demons will be able to pvp FFA and humans will be subject to the justice system.
That said, the beast planet will indeed be inhospitable for both Humans and Demons.
Do not confuse "rule set" (pvp, FFA pvp, pve, etc) with any mechanic that will be in place in order to discourage players from invading Arboreus and will make the invasion more difficult.
@jetah Eclipse is time limited and I have no problems about that
I'm going to play human to craate a settlement. Siege should be an intresting feature too.
@jetah said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas You are prolly following another game ;). You will invade and you will suffer the planet ruleset you can't bypass that
the eclipse event will remove any penalties on the human planet. I'd assume it also works so the humans can invade the demon planet without problems also.
@Phaethonas yeah, but i'm still thinking it'll be 50% of the planet so if it's less I'll feel better
Indeed the eclipses will remove penalties, but the beast planet won't be eclipsed. As such the beast planet will always be inhospitable for both humans and demons.