Lore Locations and a Map (on world anvil) by Dordolio
As a user of World Anvil i am able to create stuff and i added the current map with the locations known to me. It's a moment in time and i will not be able to keep track of changes.
but the current status is visible.
https://www.worldanvil.com/w/fractured-world-akimotos/map with mouse over markers and towns named.If you have something like lore or a (short) story to tell or note about your location, let me know. i'll add it to the map.
I can't wait to see this one fill out with some lore.
How short is a short story?
Would my intro here be too long?
@Greenfire see what it does... Bartertown
Greenfire TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Jun 30, 2020, 10:14 PM last edited by Greenfire Jun 30, 2020, 10:16 PM
@Dordolio Thankyou! Only thing you got wrong was the gender, I'm very much she, not he.
Edit, I may have to shorten that for you, as on the map click it doesn't all show as well, as seen here:
i will fix that. I am doing this for multiple reasons:
- to learn more about world anvil,
- to get more feeling with the (people in) Fractured MMO
- have a great collection of articles and stuff.
- getting more insight in what the articles actually say and learn to work with that.
interesting... My browser (edge) shows this:
and i realise now that it is the text shown on the left when you click the pin on the map.
i found it.
when you make the window small it breaks apart.
its probably intended for smaller chunks of text, i'll figure out how to make it work...
Thanks for pointing that out
My city "Las Vegas" is a placeholder for test #1 and is not really representative of a final town.
That being said, FREE BUFFET for all citizens! (And $1 draft beer!!!!)Very cool idea, will be handy after the many wipes and the maps become final.
@Jimbolini LOL... ok. logically it is all not set in stone. But having lore and stuff doesn't hurt.
i'll add the free buffet and cheap beer to the map.
@Greenfire i rewrote some parts and added the 's' to the 'he'. Awkward to say that 'your gender is fixed'. That sounds so weird...
@LilCassiopeia and the Meridian folks will want to check into this...
Thanks for taking the time to make this map @Dordolio!
@PeachMcD I did printscreen the map, used the research of someone else to add the black pins.. but the rest is all mine. (im not one to take credits for someone elses work. which reminds me to credit him)
feel free to look, suggest laugh or fill in some details that i can add
Excellent addition to the community. It would be excellent if you could add resource spawns, POI, and mob types etc.
@Vortech I can, but its currently a manual job. There is an API to do stuff, but i am not there yet. I mostly want to use it to write some stories, about Dordolio's adventures. (or tales he hears in his town etc.) I also will write there my findings on town building.
as for additional info, it takes time and currently also involved in writing in a contest on the worldanvil. (https://www.worldanvil.com/w/cafe-noir-akimotos/a/my-status-on-wa-wsc2020-article to keep check on the status. A total of 40 articles to write.) The city building has a higher prior, but i sit;ll want to try to finish as much articles as possible
@Dordolio Fair enough. Let us know if we can be helpful.